Uhh, titled it, "Im outa here" because at the bottom, I looks like his knee is coming out of the border. Stock Spoiler
I'd say.. Raise the black edge from the bottom by about the same amount, or maybe more, leaving the left leg still sticking out. Then i'd do the same from the top, but put it behind the spartans head. It doesn't have that pop out effect when you look at it, and that's what your going for, and its cool, so you need to make it more obvious. The recolouring is cool, but the green in the spartans head is a bit meh, id either choose a different colour like red/purple or just have it stay blue.
As Matty boy put it. You shouldn't have to tell us that his left knee goes past the border, and I honestly would never have seen that by myself if you hadn't pointed that out. Raise the border, and perhaps even blur the background (things like his back leg or so) to get the focal clear.