all right im making a mlg map on foundry and was just wondering do you have to block off the back part of the map and make it a complete box instead of a U shape? because one of my friends told me that you HAVE to box off the map ,because its in mlg regulations but i read the thread on forgehub on posting mlg maps and it didn't say anything about that or if it did i certainly missed it.SO do you need to do that? because my maps almost done and is my best map yet so it would be a bummer if i had to go back trough and delete stuff just to make a huge wall.
I belive the correct forum is Forge Discussion, ignore me if I'm wrong. Oh, and no, I don't think it needs to be blocked off, there was an MLG Foundry using all parts of the map.
I don't think that's a rule at all. If you look a bit back on featured maps, there's an MLG map named Omni which is one of my personal favorites, which uses Foundry's space to it's entirety.
It's not a rule but the U part isn't perfectly symmetric which is generally frowned upon in MLG. They even complain about tiny things like the vacuum on the ground.
If your map is asymmetric then it doesn't matter. But 'typically' MLG prefers perfectly symmetric maps, and any slight imperfection is addressed, ie adding the missles in sword room on The Pit. So if you are making asymmetric then no it doesn't matter how you use Foundry, but if you want it to be symmetric people might complain. And you don't have to tell me how much people loved lockout
I don't think you have to worry about it not being perfectly symmetrical. There are small differences that make each side different, but it normally won't affect the overall gameplay experience. You can recreate certain differences on the opposite side to make it as symmetrical as possible. An example of doing this would be the fake blocked crane on some MLG maps. I think the functionality needs to be as symmetrical as possible, and that's what counts. On one of my own maps, I placed stairs on each side in a symmetric fashion. The asymmetrical geometry of Foundry caused asymmetrical functionality. The difference between Foundry's geometry caused an entrance on one side and a closed off space on the other. I decided to block the entrance on the first side which caused the functionality to stay symmetrical. I won't worry about petty things unless the alter gameplay by a good bit. Hope this helps.
Advice, don't make one on foundry. Do your map on Sandbox. Foundry lags and for whatever odd reason the bigger map, sandbox does not. Don't believe me go read some of the pro's blogs on They hate foundry maps. Most of them want them redone on Sandbox. Take Ghostayame for example, his recent blog talks about how he absolutely hates foundry maps.