Im having a hard time.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr. Whitestain83, Oct 20, 2008.


    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    gow simple
    fable 2=fable 1 +a lttle bit more
    Gow 2=gow 1+revameped game +new multplayer+gore lots of gore+chainsaw.=win
  2. V

    V Ancient
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    I don't know what you're smokin 'cause I've played the beta at a friends house and it was awesome for a beta. Treyarch definitely got their **** straight in the jump from CoD 3 to CoD WaW. But I'd say save up for Gears 2 because of everything it has to offer, then Fable 2 just because the single player can get really lonely (even two player co-op compared to Gears' 4-5 player co-op) and then CoD WaW because I'm still a little skeptical about how the final game's gonna come out.
  3. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    GoW sucks anyway.

    Just buy both, poorkid.
  4. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Having already played GoW 2 and having passed the entire game of Fable 2. I say go with GEars of War, its much more epic. Fable to me felt a bit short.
  5. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Don't buy Fable 2
    Get GoW2 for sure
    I rented Fable 2 the day it came out and was I beat the game 4 days later, along with most of the side plots and extra quests.
    I only buy games with good multiplayer. If it doesn't have ANY multiplayer(co-op not included) then i dont buy it; rent it.
    Unless it's an epic game like Oblivion or Fallout 3.
    So yeah!
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Yeah, it's good by a technicality as it is CoD 4 but if you strip away all the CoD4, you get a badly balanced game that has developers who won,t listen to the community and contridict themselves at every turn. (See bolt-action rifles aka Snipers.)

    Awesome as a beta? What beta were you playing? I saw a beta that seemed like just about everything was place holder. If I here the Soviets talk one more time with that crappy accent, I think I'll kill someone! And that's without going into the fact that the Germans seem like they have constant anger problems due to the fact they were forced to speak English! Don't get me started on the Japs as their accent is worse than any I've seen before.

    And again, don't get me started on the map balance. I,ve never seen maps so ****ed and again with War. I don't know how they ruined War but they ****ed it dead, buried the corpse, dug it up and ****ed it again for the lulz.

    Again, core gameplay is technically good as it is CoD4.5 But it isn't something that should be allowed as they are pulling an EA on this one.

    *This message was brought to you by a crappy French computer.*
  7. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    same, but its mirrors edge and gears for me
    plus ive got an interview the day after gears so i might not get either in case i dont get the job
  8. charliezulublue

    charliezulublue Ancient
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    Fallout 3 pwns all muhahaha
  9. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i would say :-
    If your bored of the games you have on xbox and would like a new game now get Fable..
    But if you are fine with what you have then you could wait for Gears of War 2 ..
    I have fable and its really good and im getting Gears of War 2 for christmas ..

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