Hi there. Glen has many likes, such as attmepting (and failing) to forge and pwning (more like getting pwnt) on Halo 3 MM.
AmercanPsycho can see that Glen likes to talk in the third person. Welcome to Forgehub! Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions!
Welcome to the hub, if you have any questions feel free to message psycho, because i am clueless when it comes to forge Be sure to read the rules, or else. jk bnr
Welcome to FH dawg. If you have any questions send me a message and I'll forward it to American for the soul purpose of being inconvinient. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a problem-solution graph that needs making. RedNeck
AlWelcome to ForgeHub. I hope you enjoy this forum. Any questions can be messaged to AmercanPhysco . Also, read the rules to escalate your and everyone else's experience.
he guys. lets continue to tell him to message AmericanPsycho for any questions. Seems like its going somewhere. /sarcasm