Hey this is stalkercfc i left i while ago because i didnt like it and went on XForgery but now ive left that im getting bored of halo but i want to keep playing it until great games come out, a long time ago i got in fights here at Forgehub but i want a fresh start!
I find it funny when people with 50 posts post an "I'm Back" thread when almost nobody knows them. Yay? I guess. And you have like 15 maps at 0%. lol. Oh you're Bazza? I don't like it when people have different GT's than usernames. Oh well. Sorry for being a ****.
Hey bazza. All above, none of you have been here long enough to say what you say. And ranks don't matter.
Well i was standing up for stalker. He obviously left for a reason and he obviously came back for a reason. He probably was a part of FH longer than any of us and people are now making him feel like noone knoes him.
Guess all I can really say is welcome back to Forgehub. Guessing you already know the rules. Try not to get into fights with people this time. K?