Im an Xbox, and Invasion was my idea.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hugh299, Aug 22, 2010.


Make it, Yes or No?

Poll closed Sep 15, 2010.
  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. I agree with you on the warthog thing :D

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  1. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
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    Im an Xbox, and Invasion was my idea.

    OMG, totally called it!
    I totally told them to put this in Reach.
    Thats right, you can thank me if you want.

    Remeber this guy? : Halo 3 File Details
    Invasion freakin ruled!
    Remember with the ship, and the droppin down of vehicles, and the wraith as that Halo Wars thing where it shoots at the people on the ground?
    And the HUGE space in between bases?

    God just imagine what you can do with it now with Reach!?

    I mean, I know how people have talked about how huge it is already, but Forgeworld is mine for the taking.

    If you can truely go as high as that one video from, I am going to maximize the space used by shoving the spaceship up into the far corner of the sky, building a ground base similar to Invasion, and make a badass cave base made out of rocks an stuff all the way on the other side.
    In simpler terms, Make the absolute Biggest game of invasion or team slayer/objective ever made.

    Located, most likely, very high in the air above the beach at the end of the canyon, this ship will be massive, and be able to drop down stuff to the beach like vehicles and weapons. The small "firebase" on the beach will most likely be made out of the same bunker things as Hemorrage, and other things, just cause its a freakin classic.

    The Defenders base will be way at the end of the cliff, like past the quarry, a little. Made mostly of rocks, this base will have some of the most badass gear and vehicles at your disposal.

    Even though flying vehicles will play a major part in this level, the goal would be to make flying and ground pretty evenly matched. Have roads and trails going up along the side of the cliff from the canyon. Fun for Warthogs too :)

    I would also make a structure sort of in the middle that would provide some kind of benefit to the teams for being there. Idk what yet, but whatever it is, the goal of that would be to create another point of combat, and so the defenders dont camp in their base the whole time waiting.

    Overall it would pretty much be like a campaign mission because of the size of ForgeWorld, especially driving, or could you imagine walking on foot? Damn lol

    Anways, let me know what you think and vote the poll.
    #1 Hugh299, Aug 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2010

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