I'm a beliver; the invisible pink unicorn [1,000th post]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Knight Kninja, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Well.. ive got a few things to say. First and foremost.. screw 1,000 posts. At first I was worrying about what i would do and all that. if someone wants to put together some official celebration for me go ahead.. i dont mind. But it is my 1,000th post.

    Second, that, even though i was born into a Christian family, i am atheist. My family was not devout or anything so its not a big deal. recently, looking at DQ's post about finding religion, i almost decided to convert to spaghettifarian or whatever.. but then i read that they see pirates as divine beings.. that is just not right. I am a kninja and ninja supporter at heart.. so i settled for the next best thing. This is the wikipedia article about the invisible pink unicorn. until i can find a better religious theory, this is my religion.. which leads me to the reason for this thread.

    Just so you all know, this is the invisible pink unicorn.

    I put together a quick signature representing my beliefs.. I might create my own "religion" about ninjas or somewhat... anyways, any other belivers, use this as your signature.. if you want me to create a userbar or just a little tab thing like reynbow's "I <3 the gays" picture in my signature, i can do that.

    cnc, qnc... post anything about it here. thank you.

    oh and if anyone knows of a ninja religion, let me know..


    EDIT: i forgot how much i like my current sig.. il probably put it in sometime when i get bored with it
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    You Got Questions, Ninja Got Answers. | Ask A Ninja

    i direct you there for your religion question....congrats on 1000 posts man, and for not caring!
    I was also born into a christian family (very devout though(only mom's side)) but I am an atheist.....I believe in Pastafarianism, as It should be taught in schools.....anyone try to disproe me, go ahead!

    Also, I love the way religion is based on reality, and on belief

    I BELIEVE THE UNICORN IS PINK, yet, in reality, he is INVISIBLE

    Try and disprove me there too (not you knight) \/ Them \/

    Have a wonderful new year (lol random, i know) and a happy turkey-ish thanksgiving (from your friend in Miami, waiting, just waiting for Hurricane Gustav!
  3. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i know about the ask a ninja site but i had no idea that it was actually a religion type thing! thanks. anyways.. yeah back on topic of the invisible pink unicorn picture and signature
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    WTF!? It's PASTAFARIAN. Get it right...
  5. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    No he meant that it would be a good idea to ask the askaninjaninja that question. Its not a religion.
  6. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Invisible Pink on Unicorns looks pretty good... Or I.P.on.U for short =)
  7. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    except that its not invisible pink on unicorns... its invisible pink unicorn.
    Lord Terrax XII likes this.
  8. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
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    Yeah... Invisible Pink is a color that looks rather decent on unicorns.... <|=) Fauxhawk!!
    Knight Kninja likes this.

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