lets make a list: - paradiso - asylum - hemorrage - pinnacle - tempest - spire (pretty close) - powerhouse (pretty close) oh btw duck, feel free to join in TGIF next week and you can get some proper testing done. i mean, it would be all new people who had never played the map some you can get some real raw feedback. plus if you wanna test today, im always in a 8+ person customs lobby
Oh wait, I got it. Backwash. That map was much worse than Breakpoint. Ever since Halo 2, that map held the crown for worst map of all time. Oh, and all the maps you listed are much better than Breakpoint. Spire is tied. @Psychoduck Do you have any date range (just an estimate) of when you plan to release this map?
I don't know: Tempest and Pinnacle really aren't that bad. Atleast in comparison to Paradiso (who came up with the idea for that map. My first death on that map was because I had flown the banshee out too far and couln't get back). As for Illium I really look forward to its release there are very few Tempest based maps out there and most of them use the stupid laser. So this is actually a good looking tempest map.
Ok, let's end the discusion about how bad breakpoint supposedly is... And no, i don't know when this will be released more precisely than "in a few weeks" as getting tests on here has been a major pain in the ass. I think I'll host a TGIF soon and only allow people with the Noble maps to join so I can get another serious testing session on here. Lately i've only been getting 2 or 3 games on here a week.
That's always my first death too, but it's intentional to prevent my team from spawn killing with the banshee. OT - Many maps have been made on Tempest. What you should've said is that few use its natural geometry effectively. This is one of only two (or possibly one) maps that I have seen that do this well.
Any way as for illium I really like what I see and I hope you get some good healthy reviews from your testers. I also look forward to its release. See you again in a few weeks.
Ok, yeah this is technically a bump. Why, because I haven't had a test on this map in ages. The map is great as it is now, but I want to get more tests prior to release, and as things are going now that won't ever happen. To people who don't have me added already: feel free to post your gamertag here if you have the Noble maps. Getting together twelve people who all have the maps is far more difficult than I thought it would be. I've gotten comments on here, on Live, and on youtube wondering when this will be released. The map is nearly done, but still needs more testing. Thanks to everyone who's tested it so far.
I'll see if I can get some games up. I'm not sure if I can, since I have planned testing sessions with both GodlyPerfection and Noxiw, but we'll see how it turns out. I've yet to see a good BTB map on Tempest, a map that uses Tempest's natural geometry effectively, or a map that actually utilizes a 4-flag gametype. Sign me up. My GT is to the left of my post, but you've probably been here long enough to notice that anyways. EDIT - This map is a lot like Duke Nukem Forever. It's probably going to take 14 years to get done. EDIT 2 - This map still isn't released? I'm surprised.