Well, I think i've got invasion mostly balanced on here. Phase 1 is fairly easy to attack, but it's not impossible to defend. phase 2 is very hard to attack, and victory often comes from going to the bomb point that the enemies are farthest from and surprising them. Both points seem to get equal use. Phase 3 is very difficult to attakc also, but as long as you have an escort, ou can slowly move the core closer and closer to the scoring location.
Today was actually fun to play on Invasion. Truthfully, I didn't think it had its full potential the games i have played, but today, it was nice. Not sure what you have done really...I noticed some spawn changes, which is nice, and I just found out it had a laser(lol) but yea, you need to find some people who have Tempest so we can get a 4v4 also, 9flag!
I know whatcha mean man. The map feels more like a competitive 6v6 than an Invasion map, but Im actually really happy with how invasion is going right now. And it's 48 flag! (12 players X 4 flags) Btw, look at MY custom title
This map is awesome, it is well designed, I like the buildings you added, you have good vehicle and weapons placements, I'm glad that you made multiple game types for this to make it more interesting. I would like to play this because it looks great. Good job, and keep up the great work.
Guys, you might want to leave Psycho alone for awhile..he's kinda upset. Turns out someone found a way to get ghosts over his anti-vehicle gate in the first phase of invasion. Needless to say, he's a tad upset.
Yeah, I think I was there. I might have heard him crying into his mic a little. But the real jerk here is that guy who found out how to get the ghost in building. Why did you have to be so mean and make Ducky cry, mysterious man!? ♥
Lol, there actually isn't a vehicle blocker thingy there in Invasion, that was CTF where that bad, bad man kept getting the ghost into red base. I took some screenshots from our Invasion games yesterday, and should be posting them sometime tonight.
Anyone else hate douchebags whose sole purpose is to break maps/games to get an unfair advantage against others? Where have I heard that before? Hmm.....maybe a certain armor ability that has an emp blast, and gives you invincibility for like 30 seconds with an additonal 2 after using it? Anyways, good luck fixing that, show that map-breaker whose boss.
Invasion pics: Phase 1: defending Bravo Phase 1: Assaulting Alpha You thought you had armor lock... didn't you Noobles and his ghost Umm... 'scuze me sir... what is your head doing inside the front of your ghost...?
Just make the "anti-vehicle gate" smaller to only allow entry for infantry. It may allow Mongooses to enter due to the size, but what the hell is a Mongoose going to do to ruin a game, anyways?
Your killing me with this map. Have you any idea how many restless nights I have had because of this map. I can't tell the difference between this and a Bungie-made map. You sir have a talent for Invasion I can't appreciate using words channeled through a computer. Please release this so I can die happy.
Looks like a cool map. might be interesting to see how it works for an invasion map. If 'purple' was on for infection exclusively it might be kind of cool to play that as well.
Calm your protective titties inferno lol. Is the invasion gameplay for this project like cargo port or can I expect something much different?
It's actually quite a bit different from Cargo Port. Illium was designed with Invasion in mind, so I think it actualy works better in a lot of ways. It is also a bit more vehicle oriented. Think of a cross between Cargo Port and Breakpoint.
Please don't insult your own map by combining that terrible excuse for a map known as Breakpoint with Cargo Port. There's no doubt in my mind that this map will be much better than Breakpoint or your previous project Cargo Port. Then again, what map isn't better than Breakpoint?
Nearly half of them. Edit: Oh wait, if I don't post something relevant to the thread I'm going to get kicked out of it like I did on the Focal Point thread, because some mods are just.....how do I put this lightly....? ****'s. That's as light as I think I can put it. Ahem...when do you plan on releasing this map as a....well finished map?
Actually I really like Breakpoint... I could have said Boneyard instead, I suppose. Anyways Im not getting a satisfactory ammount of tests on here so it will likely be a few weeks before this is released. I'm not in any rush really.