Welcome to "The Noose of Rome". For those of you that have ever played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, this will look pretty familiar. The main gametype this will be set up for is Juggernaut, with the assassin as the juggernaut. Everyone looks the same, and there is no means of identification. Be careful who you kill, there is a 30 second betrayal penalty. The assassin has sprint, and jumps 20% higher than the others, but the guards run 10% faster. Everyone is equipped with swords, and there are certain hidden weapons on the map. There's a couple chase breakers, and countless jumps. If you want to make suggestions, I have about $200 left, so either comment below or check out this thread. And of course, for the vague pictures. 1 - The marketplace, contains the horses and healthpack. Nearby is the active camouflage and overshields. 2 - The Borgia Tower, a way down on every side. 3 - The church, containing the Templar power-up. 4 - The apartment area, the area with the most tactical jumps. 5 - The plaza, the area with the hammer, chase breaker, and Romulus tunnel. 6 - The underdeveloped portion of the city, the crossbow is nearby.
Omg the edited screenshots They look so cool! How did you do that!? Anyways, the map's aesthetics look nice, although I can't get a feel of the layout.
Thanks! I would say that I put a lot of work into them, but they only take about 10 minutes each. I'll get an overview up in hopefully a couple of hours. Problem with my original intentions is that this cannot be set up for juggernaut since some put some napalm all over the juggernaut. Not helpful.
Aargh! Pictures confuse me! Thoughts: The grid in the background of a few pictures seems a bit out of place. I could imagine it kind of ruining the theme of Rome, seeing as they didn't have energy shields back then How does the increased speed of the guards help much if the assassin has sprint? Church looks pretty sweet
The grid serves two purposes. One, as the biggest item in Forgeworld, it does a great job at spanning the gap across Hemorrhage. Two, in Assassins Creed you play as someone in the present in a device called an Animus, which allows you to see the memories of your ancestors. If the memory does not enter into a certain area, it's blocked off by a certain area that resembles the grid. If the Assassin uses sprint, it must be as a necessity since he cannot outrun the guards normally. Not only will randomly sprinting give away his position but it also means that he will be at a disadventageous position since even if he does kill someone, a different guard can catch up with him as his sprint recharges. The church is probably the most aesthetically appealing portion of the map. Originally it was supposed to be up a wide span of stairs, since the church was one of the, if not the single most important part of Rome's society. Thanks for the feedback! Anyone know how I can replicate the gametype without an assassin on fire?
You can buy ten colosseum walls for the price of a grid, or ten 5x5 flats if you ran out of walls. Either way you shouldn't have a problem with making it look like a wall instead of energy shield. You could even put little 2x2s on top like crenelations to make it look like a castle wall.
I'll look into the Colosseum walls, but I'll only do it if it saves me some budget since I'm already low as is. And it's kind of hard to tell but I used one of the covers in the decorative sections (don't remember the actual name) to make the wall on the right look more like a castle wall. I believe I took some more pictures while I took these, so I'll see if I can find those. These were the abstract pictures that only displayed the highlights. The others were on a larger scale displaying more of the map, so I'll see if I can get those up. Though I'm still facing the problem of how to recreate this gametype using something other than juggernaut. Any ideas?
cover, crenelation Those cost much more than just using a pair of 1x1 flats, but if you have the budget the decorative pieces look better.