Sandbox Ignited

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by meepmaster, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    This is my first map posted on ForgeHub and I hope you all like it.

    My gamertag is RunnerMeep

    First off I would like to give a brief description:

    -This map is mainly made for One-Bomb because no one seems to make maps for that gametype much anymore.

    -However, this map is also compatible with One-Flag and Team Slayer.

    Now for the Weapon/Vehicle list:
    -Br x12
    -Ar x6
    -Needler x1 (Offense/Blue Side)
    -Brute Shot x1 (Defense/Red Side)
    -Sniper x1 (90 sec spawn) (Defense Side)
    -Rockets x1 (90 sec spawn) (Offense Side)
    -Shotgun x1 (90 sec spawn) (Only on Defense during Asymetric games)
    -Sword x1 (90 sec spawn) (middle of map only during Asymetric Games)
    -Missle Pod x2 (90 sec Spawn)
    -Warthog x2 (90 sec spawn)
    -Mongoose x2

    Equipment List:
    -Power Drain x1 (60 sec spawn) (middle of map)
    -Bubble Shield x2 (30 sec spawn) (middle of map)
    -Overshield x1 (90 sec spawn) (middle of map only during symetric games)

    Now for the part you really want: Screenshots!

    Overview of Map

    Front of Red/Defense Base

    Back of Red/Defense Base

    Front of Blue/Offense Base

    Back of Blue/Offense Base

    Sniper Tower (In front of Defense Base)

    Mid-Building (Where Sword or Overshield is Held)

    I hope you all like my map and please comment, rate, and give feedback! Thank you!
    #1 meepmaster, Aug 1, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    it's really open and basic, a bad combination. it looks like you took the basic design from the sandbox bases, added your own stuff, and put some oblisks around the outside.
    vbery easy to spawnkill on, just take the warthog and drive it into the main section of the map, effectively stopping the other team from being able to suvirve for more than 2 seconds outside. thus letting you wait out the time on ctf, kill everybody on ts and not let the enemy out of thier base on king of the hill.
    the missle pod seems like a good idea but if the otherteam gets it your double screwed.
    just way to open in my opinion.
  3. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    I tested it out and you really can't spawn kill too much but I admit it is a bit basic, it's not exactly like Sandbox though. Any tips for v2?
  4. benjamin king

    benjamin king Ancient
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    i like the openness of the map, it give alot of good splatter oppertunities,

    although you could add some more cover around the map. it just feels way to open for a good halo 3 btb, which has alot less vechile action then ce (or halo2? don't know about this one). i don't reallyknow things to say about it further
  5. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    I quite much agree with pinokhio. The map is just deathly basic, there's nothing new on it while it's also very open. Oh, this isn't a good combination, indeed.

    On the other hand it's alright since if this is your first map.

    If you want to make a version 2, it should be quite a lot improved. That's a good start for a map though. So, you should add there something more interesting using your imagination but don't make it too closed.

    The problem is, as said before, that it's too basic and there's nothing new compared to, for example, default Halo maps.
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Alittle more cover would be nice, and I can see that some walls like the one in pic 6 need to be straightened out. There is nothing special about any structures in the map. But the openness allows for lots of splatters!
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Simple, but honestly, i can see this in matchmaking because of that reason. Im not say it will, it just looks like a map bungie would pick. For a v2 you should block more lines of sight, and some more interlocking
  8. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    **Officially as of now I will stop with the signing my posts as Brett Favre**

    Any who, for a first map this is not horrible. The bases are ok but I would agree the rest is a little boring. That is normal for most first maps so its no big deal. I would spend some time looking around this site and getting some inspiration from other peoples maps. Not to steal their ideas, but to build off them. Check out the Forging 101 section or youtube 'forging basics' and watch how to interlock. Something as simple as interlocking can make a basic map look a lot cleaner and more interesting. Good luck and good first map. Keep tweaking and you'll get it right.
  9. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    thanks for the feedback, I'll try to make it less "bungie style" I guess
  10. CryptoKnight

    CryptoKnight Ancient
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    i see some crooked walls, not much interlocking, so you might want to ix it up and add some weapons

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