
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Dec 21, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    hmm i havent played this map, but in my opinion it doesnt look all that special. I dont know whether its because its on foundry and ive forgotton what a "neat" foundry map looks like, but this looks very messy. This is just my opinion btw, dont try use this as an excuse to flame me.

    I've also never enjoyed the gameplay on Amplified, I was always more of an Onslaught/Ldown kinda guy...

    I suppose it's worth a try though with all the hype you guys are giving it.
  2. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Looks like a sweet map aesthetically, as for gameplay I'll have to download and see for myself. Congrats to Fritzer and DeathstarsOG on their feature.
  3. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    really! what gametype and amount players did you play with?
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I have to agree with the last one, but I think that there is a little too much put into maps sometimes. Like that cube isn't necessary, but it blocks the line of site to the other base, something that's in all MLG maps. Almost every single MLG can see to the other side, and that cube there seems to serve no gameplay purposes except block the crucial line of sight and possibly provide a tactical jump to P2.

    I apologize for coming off as an arrogant asshole.
    #24 Meltyourtv, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    more reasons to why foundry is a better map to forge on IMO
    sandbox is disappointing :(
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    And this is bad becauuuuse...? It's obviously not there randomly if you know anything about design and funnels the gameplay perfectly IMO.
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Quoted from "Want to see a map Featured" thread.

    "Id like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that when considering maps for features, its never a "this map is better than that map" kinda thing. Maps aren't in competition with one another. Rather, they are in competition with the standards we as a staff set. If either Requiem or Ignite meet those standards, then they will be featured. If both meet the standards, both will be featured." -Lightsout.

    Now Lets read into what he is saying there and apply to this feature shall we?

    -each map is worth considering for feature. This map by the Staff consideration is featureable because they SAID IT Was. Now as we just gained the right to leave feed back on every front page note. I am also going to let them know exactly my thoughts on this map.

    Ignited is a wonderful V2 of Amplified. But lets consider the fact that Amplified was not featured by this community when it was first published as well we didn't feel like it was up to standards in its first coming. That does not mean Amplifed was not a great map but that it was actually a map loved by another community. IT was loved by the MLG community for the reason of its greatness. Now Ignited has not recived the same love as Amplify for the reason that many forgers on both FH as well MLG have not taken to it all to kindly remaking a map they already love. Consider Lockout/blackout issue. I loved lockout/blackout not so much. I'm going to reason with the idea that This map was featured because Amplifed wasn't.

    I'm further going to claim this because Pegasus told us how many times in the OP of the feature about Amplifed and this great forger?... Please comment about the merits of a map as it is featured.

    So I will add to Lights saying..

    Id like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that when considering maps for features, its never a "this map is better than that map" kinda thing. Maps aren't in competition with one another. Rather, they are in competition with the standards we as a staff set. If either Requiem or Ignite meet those standards, then they will be featured. If both meet the standards, both will be featured.

    -MAPs should not be featured for earlier versions
    -Maps should not be featured for being the second version of the map.

    Fritz no hard feelings but this map ... I did not like. Yes I Downloaded it, Yes I played it but I did not like it. Not a fan of...

    I also feel that this map does not so much as improve on any of the styles of MLG that already has done, it is "more of the same". I would have loved to see you go in a much better new direction on a map no common to MLG, maybe a Sandbox map. Better luck next time.. I'm not going to DL again after this feature.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    None of the above is true.

    Both of the above is already true and has no effect on the map in question, or has ever been in effect.

    Ignite is it's own creation and should be regarded as such, and has no relation whatsoever to Amplified when deciding features.

    This is a more legit statement, though I don't agree personally. MLG is all about perfection in things that work, and he's changed up the formula enough that the gameplay runs exactly how I believe it should on a map such as this....regardless, you're entitled to your own opinion, but MLG isn't about changing things drastically fairly often....IMO this is more than enough of a change to call is "dramatically changed".
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Congrats guys! This is one of the 2 or 3 symmetric MLG maps that has stayed on my HD for more than a day. This, along with Requiem, are the two best symmetric Foundry maps IMO.

    Great job Fritz and Deathstars, hopefully this makes it into the circuit someday.
  10. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Really? It sounded just the opposite two days ago when we played. You were yelling and screaming about how you were having so much fun owning the other team! Just the map getting featured made you change your mind?
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    We can say it not true but... you should not pick a fight with me I'm in title to reply with my opinion of this map feature just as you are to praise it.

    I thank you in saying you don't agree and I'm fine with you saying this. Lets see both amplified and Ignited are from the same wave of forge. This is due to the same forger.

    If you read the Statment of why we should know of this map as well why this is a featured map in Pegasus post you will read as i'm about to quote

    Bold are key features that show why this isn't a New and Worthy of feature.

    Exert from what you wrote on "Want to see a map Feature thread"

    Now we can't say Amplifed is the best map ever but I love the spawns on that map for MLG gameplay. What I come about in saying it that I DO not like how that gameplay is changed with a Cube in the middle of it. If you really want to consider viewing Amplified and Ignited as Related maps as Fritzer has as well Pegasus in addition; Ignited seems more to be of an Aesthetic improvement towards a Gameplay perfected map. I'm in not suggesting that Ignited doesn't play well, nor am I saying it isn't good. Just that the fact I do not like the changes made from Gamplay to asethics from Amplifed to Ignited. Again I would have like to see a New design on a new map rather than see more of the same but tweaked. That is more towards the map itself. The map being featured should be more towards if the map is NEW and creative enough to excite the community into creating more not praising a map that is already getting attention already from "A well known forger".

    So we set out to say that both the reason why this is featured is because it refreshing the map that has wonderful gameplay.(AMPLIFIED) The only change that is major is to the design of that map is with a CUBE structure in the middle of the map. I'll not lie in stating my open thoughts on that cube. I do not like it SAM I am... I will not nor should I not.

    So, both are you suggesting that Amplifed is featured? I checked your Featured sub-form and found nothing in that search. Further more I'm mainly making my thoughts on this review made. No hard feelings... Fritz you understand I'm not the only player from the MLG community and I'm just a small portion of this Community as well, hope the best of your forging. I personally didn't like it and I'll leave it that here.


    PS Love for Psycho as well.
    ... I have the right to state how I feel about a map.... I think we played many MLG maps in that night. To include Pit, Guardian, Amplifed.... etc.

    Out of all those maps I will still say I didn't like this one out of the lot of them. Remember how people praised amplifed for skill as well balance? I will say that I was not well at playing that map but was rewarded with trashing the other team that had been playing that map more often then I. Now taking that and looking at MLG standards It suggests a flawed map. I'm not continuously playing the map but it is something to add in addition towards as well in a side tangent of things why I do not like the map.

    ... a drop in the bucket of an already set point of view...

    -Loves for AmericanPsycho
    #31 G043R, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    It's similar in design, but in no way did we say it was a sequel or a v2. It's easily compared to Amplified, as it's clearly the inspiration, but it is a new map. It was judged completely separately from Amp, which I don't even know if it was posted here when it was released, to be honest. And even if it was considered a sequel (it wasn't, but theoretically), it has nothing to do with the feature process, again. We don't factor in 'well, this is sequel, so we have the make up for not featuring last time', or whatever your thinking is. As such, pretty much eliminating the whole top and bottom mid controls is a risky and original move, and should not be considered anything close to aesthetic. More than original enough IMO.

    You are free to give your thoughts on the map, but the map feature process remains the same. None of your points on the feature process are correct to how it is done.

    As for the map, IMO it plays way better. The cube changes the gameplay considerably from the Amp mid control and brings a bigger distinction from P to Gold. The added corners help for setups and controlling Gold, while the redone Gold routes change the gameplay there as well. But, that's an opinion.
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Now lets have a useful quote in here for a good reason.

    Fritz writes to us saying this in his original thread posting Ignited.

    "About the map
    ...The Ignite map started as a humble attempt to improve the pro circuit map MLG Amplified. ....

    Ignite plays MLG gametypes at heart, but is also an excellent free for all map for warm-ups and fast paced gameplay. Unlike the map’s predecessor Ignite is able to play flag, king and ball with detailed spawns. ...... Long durations of film watching and understanding the spawn system on foundry have paid off; this map may just simply play better than MLG Amplified. And who should know? I made that map after all."

    So he came out and said it at the end the map is a Predecessor as well better than Amplified. I have a different point of view but ... again this is opinions. What bothers me more is the fact why was this map featured? In the points made by Peagsus there is no real reason of why besides it better than Amplifed, I have my oppion against it that is fine, but please make yours known as well. Maybe I should ask Peagsus to reply since he wrote it...but I know as a body of staff that you all agreed to what he wrote so if you want to interject your point of view that is as well, but maybe in the future add it to the OP before it is posted to public domain.

    PS sorry I had to comment back some one quoted me.
    -More love
  14. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    One of your closing statements is that you did well on the map against other players that have had more experience on the map. What does this have to do with the map being flawed? I constantly get my ass kicked on my map Guillotine, and I've spent more time on that map than anyone. Does that mean the map sucks? Maybe, but it was good enough to get picked for the first 1v1 forge map ever used on Gamebattles. The logic in half your arguments don't make sense.

    Here's a few facts for you:
    Ignite doesn't have a "D" at the end of it.
    Ignite is not a v2 of Amp in anyway shape or form. It is rather a successor which basically means "inspired by".
    Spawns on Ignite are leaps and bounds over Amplified. If you prefer to spawn in the same exact spawn point as your enemy just did 2 seconds ago, you are retarded.(Yes that is a fact)
    Ignite is definately the most controversial map release I've ever seen and I'm glad Fritz asked me to join with this project.

    So I ask you to show me how Ignite is the same as Amplified besides the cube as you said above. Screenshots would be nice so everyone can see.

    Thanks forgehub for the feature, but I don't think I would want another one after seeing the massive amount of **** talkers in here already.
  15. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Congrats Fritz and OG! You guys deserve it for this one.

    Ignite will probably go down as the most anticipated map of the MLG H3FF. It plays wonderfully, with more unique gameplay then most maps released for MLG play.

    The forging is spectacular, absolutely amazing, so clean and bumpless.

    My ONLY Complaint is the P-side Corners, but hey, you can't please everyone with everything.
  16. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Ace!

    Forgehubers who like mlg should stick around for some great content. Look for our Halcyon and Compound maps in the MLG map pack 2 before circuit testing. There are a lot of great maps from many great forgers and candidates before any map gets the official mlg branding.

    There’s plenty more for forge hub soon. =)

    Thanks for the comments, keep them coming.
  17. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Deathstar I hope you read over what Fritz posted over on the original thread, the map post, it is a good validation of how Amplified gives ideas to Ignited. I been lectured on how they are similar and I feel you should ask some of your fellow community members on how maps can be Similar and not the same. The fact remains in the video Fritz posted shows a beginning point of Amplified both in being praised by the MLG representatives and then flashing to the design of Amplified. I hope while you were forging this wonderful map you noticed the similarities as well but we all learn new things each and every day, this could be the day you learn this.

    Now for you feature maybe I should start with saying Congrats... and then come in saying my point of view. Yes I agree, I was rude ... So let me space this out so you can see it.


    Now with that out the way you accuse people of talking **** on your map. Most of what they have said is constructive criticism if your so rude to cuss at me I'll be so rude to call you out on your actions are both childish as well unbecoming of what you come to represent here as well on other communities.

    I hope if you do become featured again you have a map worthy of feature, in the light of what I have to been showing your actions as well the point of view where this map comes from is incorrect. If this map was featured on it's own two feet and under the terms as to maybe the reasons to be shown by our Staff or by you maybe then I'll recant my place but at the moment I find this as quite fitting.

    -Loves for Ignite
    #37 G043R, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  18. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    What is with all the " Loves for _____" ???

    At first I didn't really get this map, and to me I think it uses a sort of minimalist style... or at least it looks like it does.

    Gopher, it appears you're basing all of your statements off of people's posts, not evidence drawn from the actual map. Perhaps you should include pictorial evidence and not base it off posts?
  19. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
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    Well I don't know what other people are talking about, I thought the map played fine. I didn't really play competitive games, more like games where the secondary was a sniper rifle with unlimited ammo, but it was still good fun.

    Congratulations on getting the feature, I'll be looking for more of your maps!
  20. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    anyone ever teach you that comments are for opinions?

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