
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Dec 21, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Created by Fritzster and DeathstarsOG

    Recommended Players: 4v4

    Recommended Gametypes: MLG TS 7, MLG CTF 5Flag 7, MLG King 7, MLG Ball 7, MLG FFA, MLG Bomb

    Any competitive Halo player worth their salt will be at least somewhat familiar with Fritzster's Amplified, a central fixture of the MLG Pro Circuit and mainstay of competitive Halo since the early days. Praised by Chris Puckett as "the fastest game type on the circuit", and with good reason, Amplified Slayer is characterised by balanced, clean structures and a dynamic spawning system which keeps even the best teams in the world on their toes, demanding a quick BR and even quicker decision making to win the day. Over the last year, Fritzster has been working with DeathstarsOG to produce a worthy successor to what is quite probably the most famous user made map Halo has ever seen. The fruits of their labours come in the form of Ignite, and we don't think you'll be disappointed, we certainly weren't.

    First impressions of the map are dominated by the central floating cube, which not only raises the bar of aesthetics over the somewhat utilitarian confines of Amplified, but also brings incredibly refined yet refreshing gameplay to the whole space of Ignite. The cube serves to leave bottom middle fully traversable whilst providing suitable cover in that area, but by far and away it's most ingenious quality is its impact on Lines of Sight between the two bases and between Pink and Gold. Other noticeable departures include the new bases, which have been opened up at the front and more heavily embedded in to the edges of Pink and Gold sides respectively. Pink side has been fleshed out with some well proportioned extra geometry which spices up the rather right angled nature of structural work on Amplified. Gold side, on the other hand, sees a more dramatic change, now extending slightly in to either base area of the Foundry canvas. This inclusion of more varied angles, combined with the new centrepiece and the new life it brings to cross map LoS, serve to show that an eye-catching design does not have to be at the cost of refined and highly competitive gameplay. Fritzster and Deathstars have demonstrated that enough time and dedication to the tiniest details of gameplay mechanic can yield something both beautiful and entirely fit for purpose.




    Download Ignite
    Download MLG Gametypes
    Download MLG Bomb (Community variant)

    Original FH Thread

    If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
    #1 Pegasi, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I expected this map to be featured the first time I saw it when it was released. The cube in the centre of the map is stunning. Congratulations to Fritzster on a well deserved feature!
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    This plays terribly. Just saying.

    And IMO, Gameplay > Aesthetics.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The first point is a matter of subjectivity, didn't anyone ever teach you the difference between fact and opinion? I'd had that drilled in to me by the time I was like 14. On that note, there are many, many people who would disagree with you, people whose opinions are taken very seriously on such things. Just saying.

    Agreed on the second point, but this map has really brought out one of those annoying knee jerk reactions in people. They see something that looks interesting and novel and think 'Oh, he must have been building with aesthetics in mind, it must play badly', then bash with the whole Gameplay > Aesthetics thing. The two qualities are not necessarily mutually exclusive, and ya know what? Gameplay and Aesthetics > Gameplay, something which I think this map demonstrates beautifully.
    #4 Pegasi, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Uh, I'm no mulgprow or anything, but I thought it played pretty well. Chaotic and fun. And I don't usually like mlg... Anyway, congrats on the feature. The map is truly a beauty to behold.
  6. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I was kind of expecting this, but slowly doubting it being featured as the weeks past by. Well, I guess this thread proved me wrong.

    Sad that I have not played this map yet, so I hope to do so real soon. Congrats, Fritzster.
  7. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I'm not an MLG player at all, but this is seriously one of the best maps I've ever seen. The aesthetics are awesome and gameplay will be awesome... I can just tell. I'm guessing.
    #7 Flameblad3, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    You can't ever tell how gameplay will be...ever.

    Played a game of TS on it the other night, pretty awesome.
    The map is much more steered to getting assisted than Amplified.
    On Amp, I can basically carry the team. But with Ignite, I had to constantly call out my uncompleted kills due to how easy it is to run away/juke opponents.

    I liked it, but I'll need to play some more games on it to truly know how to play on the map more efficiently.
  9. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Well when you say the word unique, this map comes to mind. This map is truly amazing though. I haven't played it for a while but I remember it created some really fun gameplay when I did play it. Congratulations to Fritzster on a well-deserved feature in my opinion.
    Keep the features coming!
  10. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    Thanks for the feature forgehub!

    Also, very much thanks to DeathstarsOG - Co-Creator of Ignite and one of the best forgers I know.
  11. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    I've played a couple of games on this map now, and I have to say it doesn't play as well as some of fritzster's other maps namely amplified. That does not go to say that it plays badly however. It's a wonder to behold and it looks amazing, but the problem is, is that it's to complex. It lacks the simple brilliance of the other MLG maps, and because of that I think it lacks in gameplay. Overall I would have to rate it a 6/10.
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    i agree nearly 100% with you, its just to complex. although it is the greatest aesthetic MLG map, its not the most playable.
    i still cant belive how you guys managed to make that awesome center piece, especislly out of walls.
  13. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    A well deserved feature. After almost 2 months of not playing Halo, I got on and got a game on this and I was just amazed at how much teamwork counts on this map. If you have disciplined players who can work together well, teamshotting is sooooo much fun on this map. Shanon and I racked up a ton of assists and kills in a few lives after figuring out the best "pairs" tactic and Shanon got two triples (I believe all from awesome teamshots). Some people are complaining about it being all about aesthetics, but if you can legitimately work together as a team and teamshot, this is one of the most intense maps in MLG.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Ignite is probably my favorite new MLG map. Nothing really compares to the amount of work and detail that's gone into this map to ensure that it plays as well as it possibly can.

    On that note: the aesthetics, as always with a Fritzster map, are a by product of the pure gameplay decisions. The cube in the middle offers some extremely interesting lines of sight and potential team setups and counter setups. It also completely changes the norm of the too often seen "MLG middle structure" that is a characteristic of Amp and Ons. The middle area is really well thought out, and pretty much removing the possibilities of top mid as a path and for map control is a risky move, but done tastefully well.

    Teamwork is a must. Spawns are great, predictable to a certain degree as they should be, while avoiding some of the ridiculous spawns Amp is famous for. The base design, particularly the slide jumps up, are really great and work perfectly for Flag or any game. In essence, it's a more flexible, faster-paced, more "amplified" version of Amp, though it should be considered it's own entity.

    The map is not "too complex". If you actually play the game seriously and understand MLG at all you'll see what it's there for and all the team possibilities you have with those. In particular, the stepped corners are excellent spots to have a support player at I've found.

    My only complaint is a little overcrowding in the Purple area, where the bridge that juts out is a necessity for spawns, but seems to get in the way at times and crowd the area. Also, I've seen a player hold the ball at P4, which I don't believe should be possible, and should be blocked off if there is any money left to do so with.
  15. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Who couldnt see this getting featured?, i have to admit it is a little more complex then other MLG maps but not so complex that you cant always have a good game on it! Congrats on the feature Fritzster!
  16. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    It looks really cool. Does it play simular to the original amplified?
    Also if it plays better I hope it gets into mlg.

    The middle looks like it would get weird gameplay around it. Just my opinion.
    #16 KILLn Machine12, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  17. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    It does in some ways. The center definitely makes an impact on the gameplay, but all the bases generally play in similar ways. P1 and G1 are a little different and the P sides of the Red and Blue bases play differently.
  18. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I found a lot of the jumps to be kind of awkward but I guess that is just me. The first few times playing it, the physics really take a toll on you when you're jumping in the middle on top of the Escher-esque walls. Aside from that and the slight overcrowding in some areas as mentioned before, I enjoyed the map. I still prefer Amplified though. :p
  19. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Well done, gentlemen. One of the most interesting designs yet. I truly hope that this feature will influence the creation of more solid Foundry maps. (In fact, I have one coming soon) :D
  20. b0b43

    b0b43 Ancient
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    I like this for the simple reason that it challenges the way you view MLG maps, and maps in general. Not too many people would be willing to shake up a remake so heavily - a lot of people would remake a map exactly just to please others, get nice comments and feel good about themselves. Fritzster and Deathstars are not those type of people.

    The problem is everyone seems to be comparing this to Amplified, and not in terms of which plays better. It seems most people who don't like the map are judging it purely based on how similarily the map plays to Amplified. And that's why it has divided a lot of people - the map DOES play different to Amplified, and some people cannot accept that.

    That's why I applaud Fritz and Deathstars. Not many people would be willing to remake a map in such a way. Instead of comparing it to the gameplay of Amplified, judge it in its entirety - as a new map. I understand MLG isn't everyone's cup of tea, but a lot of people aren't quite getting it.

    Just before I finish this post, I don't understand what is so complex about 2 bases and 2 counter-balancing towers. If people find this complex, I can't imagine how they navigate through half of the forged maps that are created. Cubes are pretty complex shapes too, I guess.

    Unfortunately, I think I voted the wrong option :(

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