Straight from IGN: IGN: Microsoft to Use 3D Tech in Next Xbox This technology has the potential to boost the Xbox way past Nintendo's monster seller: the Wii. Really, the only thing that the Wii has over the Xbox is the motion-sensitive controller. The Xbox already has Marketplace, Xbox Live, and a ton of great games. Sure, this is only speculation, but it is plausible.
Of course we're not certain, but think of what they can do with the technology. Its only speculation, but it is plausible.
That was pretty funny. I smashed a Wii once with my friend. Then we got a free warranty replacement. Just goes to show show how smart Nintendo is.
Um, right... The only reason that the Wii is the "hottest thing since sliced bread" is because of the concept of the motion sensitive controllers. It really doesn't work that well. But lets stay on topic. If Microsoft were to put this technology to good use then it would easily overtake the Wii in console sales. It would appeal to both hardcore gamers and non-gamers alike.
Maybe so, but you'd better believe that Nintendo aren't gonna give up their wider gaming market crown (which, to be fair, they did pioneer, albiet without forseeing the true results by their own admission) without a fight. Nintendo have hit gold dust recently with the DS and Wii by bringing gaming to a market and variety of audience never before seen in gaming, and it will be recognised as a crucial step in the development of video games as a media form if you ask me. They're marketing and clear purpose in this department ever since has been incredibly successful and well thought out. I'd assume they plan to continue this trend, and much as Microsoft will obviously be hot on their heels now the penny has dropped and everyone has seen what can be done in market terms (just look at the NXE....), I can't see Nintendo losing their footing completely in this. Microsoft may catch up, but I can't see them reversing the roles at all, this is just a progression and expansion of video games as media, everyone who succeeds in the market will get there in time.