YouTube - Beyoncé - Single Ladies SPOOF (Barack Obama) I Searched, didnt come up, sorry if its up already
Its been like 100 days guys. Not saying I agree and I'm not saying I disagree I just think you need more time before you start playing the "change, when?" card.
Oh no, I wasn't talking about you. I guess I shouldn't have used the plural form. I was using it more of a general rebuttal to all the people who talk about him like he was supposed to cure cancer the first day in office.
You have a point, but its that whole "100 Days of Congress" thing that really sets the tone of a presidency. Experienced critics tend to wait until the hundredth day to fully criticize or compliment the president. The stereotypical "Change, when?" images definitely aren't applicable like you said, mainly because it doesn't contain any direct or descriptive criticism. And in Obama's defense (although I'm a very conservative Democrat), he has made changes, many that will take effect over time, and even a few that's already made impacts. Here's a random little article I found pertaining to the subject. Anyway, off to the debate forums.