What would you do with it. You can be as outlandish as you want (as long as it's a legitimate desire). I'm writing a story that deals with the consequences of such a technology going awry and need ideas on what the common man would do with it.
- See the beginning of the universe. - Watch films from the 90's. The 2090's.. - Steal intellectual property from those in the future. - Take technology back in time, use it to speed up the technological timeline - Steal intellectual property from those in the future, then give it to the original authors/ creators so that they can improve on it. - Travel to the future, undergo gene therapy that stabilises telomere length to become immortal. - Prevent Elliot Smith's suicide. - Prove that Jesus' birth wasn't immaculate, if he existed at all. - Prevent John F. Kennedy's and Martin Luther King's assassinations. - Create a Utopia with limitless resources by creating production lines that use time machines to endlessly duplicate any items. - Kill myself
First things first, i write down a brief version of my whole life so far, then proceed to write down everything i do with this power. Okay here it goes: Travel to the future and get the cure for my disease and cure myself, bring it back to before anybody i know personally who was affected by it in any way. Hell, bring a bunch of cures back. From there, id travel through the past 20 years as almost a protector of my past self (who now would be completely healthy) growing up. Id repeat these years until i got my old self to meet everybody i met through my disease before he hit my current age. I'd expect all this to take a good 10 or so years, i'm willing to spend 30 to perfect it. Make sure he's well off, maybe drop him some lottery numbers here and there. Once i got it all perfect for my past self, I would skate through time in search of the perfect woman and start a family, wherever and whenever she may exist. Live out the majority of my life without touching the time machine again until the next step of my plan Then when i'm finally old and dying, i will make sure that my past self reads the notebook i've been recording everything in so he knows the full truth of his life. I might be in his time, or id have to travel to it. He's the only one who will ever know.
- Kill Hitler myself to be known as the guy who killed him - Before my friend died of cancer in 2009, the one thing I wished I did was visit him, I didn't because I thought he would get better like he always does - Stop myself from playing Crash Bandicoot because that was where my addiction for games started and is the reason why my grades sucked and why I became fat. I started to suppress this sophomore year but I still wish I didn't start at such an early age. I'm not saying I wish I didnt play all together though. - Abuse Megaball tickets - The first double session of senior year football, I almost died. I was going to be a started I was so ****ing happy that I finally will get play time after all my hard work. After suffering from severe dehydration I was second string and benched for basically the whole season until the very last game in the playoffs when we were down by a shitload and I fought my ass off I didnt want to loose. What I would have done here is prepare myself better by drinking a lot of water and eating bananas. Time is the greatest teacher but it eventually kills all it's students
Go back in time to stop myself from making certain decisions. Although that might prove ineffectual, I wouldn't sit down and have a chat with myself. I'd take a page out of Fight Club and put a gun to my head to inspire myself to get off the couch more and take risks.
I'd probably use it to return to me childhood over and over again. I have a tough time realizing that I'm actually growing up.
Use time machine to create small portal, leading just a few minutes into the past. Take gun. Aim at past-self thru portal. Fire. ???? Profit
Quick question. Ignoring the logical fallacies of time travel and "changing the past" so to speak, does this machine travel through just time, or does it travel through time and space?
Back to the future 2 - when he takes that sports statistics book from the future and then brings it back to become rich.
Way I see time travel, that has happened, has always happened... so me going back in time would create the past we know today. OR it'd be just as an observation, like I was a ghost... Either way, as a History/philosophy enthusiast, I would probably view many historical/spiritual events and know the truth (birth of Christ included + life, see if he was the real deal and all), creation of the universe... Probably the destruction of it as well? But I wouldnt know how I could observe something which once the event had happened, I would be killed... Maybe just jump back once its about to happen. AH I'd see the last human life. I'm assuming I get a translation thingy built in, like the Tardis in Doctor Who... otherwise I'd be screwed... tbh, I'd do all that stuff first, but then I'd become caught up in the consequences... I could change present day into a utopia, bring cures to every known disease. OR I could go back, and prevent the holocaust by going back in time and having a word with Hitler. The power would most probably drive me insane...
If this was a consequence free time machine (where everything was undone once you are done), I would **** with the people coming to colonize america, then the British coming to retake america, and finally take a quick trip to Renaissance Italy to see the best people of the age and show them how important there work is in the future.
Go back in time to get lottery numbers. Win. Buy and island. Buy a robot factory. Find Atlantis. Wage nuclear war with those air-breathers (did I mention I bought gills?). Win. Conquer world. ??? Profit, more than I had already made.