Story: I was playing 2v2 with some friends and an opposing team member got a sword, this was on Blackout. Anyway my friend and I were next to each other and I was attacked to said opposing team member and I threw a sticky, I didnt stick him but when he went for the other kill... the sticky blew up, Kill from the grave, Bull true, saved my other teammate.... YESS!
I did that same thing with a frag on Swords on Snowbound. Threw the frag at a few people's feet right when I was about to die and got a bulltrue death from the grave
Wow nice I don't think I've ever got one of those but I've had teammates that have in a game...its a lot about luck and maybe some good timing.
That was a lot of luck.I loved the metals shown there it gives me the confusing idea then I read the story then
thank you EVERYONE! YOUR ALL GREAT(said in a screamo tone)! ill have more awesome pics once my I get a new XBOX. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!