MC are going to have blurry face like sasquach LAWL it r true a had wet dream bout it and i saw BLURRY SASQUACH face plez don tell bunGY tht r r knowing bout it o__0 oh hai
They could do a James Earl Jones thing for Master Chief... Have some random dude play Master Chief... but have the guy that did Master Chief's voice, still do his voice.
haha lol, they are using real people but won't necessarily show Master Chief's face, they first planned for the movie to come out this year, but was postponed for like ever. it'll be very similar to Neill Blomkamp's Halo 3 short(s): Landfall. and they are thinking about making him director
I think an animated movie would be better than real people acting. But that is just my opinion. I don't think it would be a good movie with real people.
My question if they do a moving is what they will do it over. If you do it over the game timeline sure it will be interesting but gamers will want to know more. However, if you do it over a different part of the timeline non-gamers miss most of the story of Halo. Also, staging it at the same time the games were this would suggest that there would be three movies at least.
Either Samuel L. Jackson or Jamie Foxx as Johnson. Jessica Alba as Cortana and Vin Diesel as the master chief.
Master Chief ( Doubt see his face) Chuck Norris Johnson- Samuel L. Jackson ,"I am tired of these motherfucking aliens on this motherfucking ship." Cortana- Angelina Jolie (Oh YEAH) Idk who else. EDIT: just noticed that post b me =/