If Reach has Forge, what new features/ objects do you want?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by eating lunch, Jan 10, 2010.

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  1. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    this isnt a bungie make this or we wont buy your game, this is more for fun than anything else. if bungie looks at this, than they may emplement a couple things. most of these arent supposed to be logical. so you kids who are all like "be logical", shut your mouth. this thread is for fun.

    on a lighter note,a screen that overviewed another part of the map would be sexy
    this isnt a bungie make this or we wont buy your game, this is more for fun than anything else. if bungie looks at this, than they may emplement a couple things. most of these arent supposed to be logical. so you kids who are all like "be logical", shut your mouth. this thread is for fun.

    on a lighter note,a screen that overviewed another part of the map would be sexy
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    kind of late on this one, but that my friend is basically what atlas is...
  3. Sayber70

    Sayber70 Forerunner

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    I know prob an awesome yet near-impossible idea. Al on map. Like give the Blue Team 3 grunts and the Red Team a Marine. It would introduce whole new strategeies
  4. CriminaL

    CriminaL Ancient
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    This isn't possible but imagine if you could pimp your mongoose for rocket race
  5. ThrownInLie

    ThrownInLie Ancient
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    I want something to compensate the lack of equipment and powerups in reach (or will there be powerups?) I mean, compensate in forge, some interesting things have been done with powerups and equipment as activators of elevators, traps, catapults, doors, you name it.
  6. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    I'm sure Forge will have powerups.
    There is apparently a "Classic Slayer" gametype that removes loadouts and has the Halo 3 starting weapons. So, I would assume that there are still powerups.

    I want to see the classic powerups though, the small pyramid shaped Invis and box shaped overshield. So retro, so cool. I think the big circle powerups are weird tbh.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I agree, I would like classic styled power ups
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I would just like to see forging become easier overall. As much as I love to forge, it's become far too time consuming for my taste. The time it takes to ghost merge, interlock and geomerge a whole map takes too much time now a days. If they make these processes easier for us, I'll be happy.
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    jesus, I havent seen you around in forever!
    I agree with what your saying though, I liked it before we knew how to interlock and stuff, when you could whip up a map in one night and be done with it, now it seems as if to be accepted, it need to have everything interlocked with everything, and everything possible needs to be geomerged.
  10. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    i would really like an openable/closable door, like the ones from the campaign, where if you approach it it opens, you know? i've always wanted those, and i have a good feeling bungies integrated that into reach forge. i can only cross my fingers and hope

    EDIT: o and btw, idt bungie will get rid of the budget and item limit. bungie said so themselves, that the budget and item limit are in place for a reason. they're not there to essentially "limit" you, but too many items on a map can overload the game data.

    they may, however, increase the item limit and budget, which is very possible. i also think they'll make the ghost merging glitch alot easier to do, such as pressing start and clicking "merge" to on/off. changing texture effects = probably not going to happen. adding water, fire, lava? Very possible. If bungie doesn't integrate that into forge, they're going to piss off the entire forging community. Not to mention, a lot of maps rely entirely on aesthetics, and I think Bungie should add certain objects like scarabs in the background; trains even; subway stations; research and testing facilities scenery; trees and plants definitely (even if there are only two kinds of plants to choose from; the option to make an entire floor made out of wood, grass, see-through glass, marble, metal, etc.; urban architecture, such as a church or a school (school scenery would definitely improve the loook of the infection map, teacher on school; adding a special tool to edit the slope of the terrain; etc.

    AND they should remake sandbox, only make the crypt size customizable. I know this as well as everything above has already been mentioned in the forum, but I'm just saying all of this will most likely be integrated into Reach's forge. And if it's not, Bungie is going to make me really sad as well as most of you, I'm sure.
    #170 Kill 4 Silence, May 2, 2010
    Last edited: May 2, 2010
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I just want it to be as easy as possible to take the vision in my head and translate it into a playable form without compromising the design to work around the limitations of my tools.
  12. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    You do realise that this is an FPS, right?
  13. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I don't see your point.
  14. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    If you're looking for a program to help you design what's in you're head, you're looking at the wrong program, well game in this case.
    If, however, you're looking for something that can maybe give you a close resemblance of what's in you're head, then sure, maybe forge is for you.

    Depends what you're after. A FPS with some map editing capabilities or a game design program.
  15. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Well, obviously since this is a forge discussion, I'm talking about building maps for Halo specifically. At some point in the future when I have more disposable income and can upgrade my computer, maybe I'll get into modding for PC games or something, but until then I'm satisfied with Halo.
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I hope there is a custom game setting for AA pickup. I believe there will be as you can switch AAs in campaign. There were also a lot more AAs found in the code.
  17. Vegerot

    Vegerot Forerunner

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    I would like being able to add AI. Either spawning them individually or in a drop ship. The ability to put in AI. Because there is nothing better then running across a street and having 6 Hunters appear all around you.
    My uncle works for Bungie and I know they are working on it but will definitely not be out for Beta and probably not out for Gamma (Full Release).
    I hope they will implement that by the time Reach comes out! But think about it. You could like strategically place them in the map so it would be 500 times better then Firefight. And yes... Instead of dropping a tank on a guy just drop I don't know. Maybe just: 4 Hunters, 5 Zealots, 7 Brutes, maybe a Sniper Jackal or 2, 3 Drones, and maybe 6 Grunts.

    I would add AI in strategic places. If there is a very cramped spot where I knew someone would run to I would place a single person there. But in a wide a big place I would use Dropships and place enemies there. And if someone was doing a little too good they would find a 10,500(I am talking about a Hunter, P.S. They weigh 10,500 lb.) pound surprise on their heads.

    And I would also like to have custom building(so you don't have to work with flat sheets of metal. Like REAL building that have floors and multiple levels and everything!) and then put those in the BIG maps and then put AI in there and have them guard it. OOOO!!! I just came up with something!!! Team choosing!!! So lets say you're using Forge-CTF(when you're using Forge while playing CTF) and you want to spawn an AI there will be many options regarding teams.

    1. Default. AI are all on one team(lets call it AI team. It is just like any other team but only AI can be in it) and is against everyone else.

    2. Team. AI are on whatever team you put them on. So if before I press the Spawn button I can press Blue team or Yellow team. And you could put them on the same team as a Human is on and they will be allies with that team. But enemies with the others!!

    3. Exterminator. When you press this option that enemy(or group if you use that option with a dropship) will be all for themselves. Which means they will attack other players AND other AI (like free-for-all).

    And you can do this for any game-type you want. And they can go on any team you choose.

    O.K. And Imagine this. Putting one of the custom buildings in a HUGE map(which there will be HUGE HUGE maps in Reach(no spoiler there).) Then playing... ... ... INVASION!!!!!!!!! And make it so the only 2 teams are Players and AI. And set AI intelligence/strength to Legendary. Then set players Strength/shields to Legendary(for the player that is bad obviously) and give them 2-5 allies(depending on how many people are in your game) (HA! I bet you never thought using AI as allies). They can be Marine, Elite, Jackal, Grunt, Skirmisher. But not Brute, Hunter or anything like that because the will help you too much. Then a head to head match of destroying their generators. And a RADICLE improvement to the AI system which will let them try to steal your flag(in Capture the Flag), Capture Territory(Territories).

    And PLEASE add to this idea and add your own.
  18. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    In forge I hope there is a button to make an object be ghost merge. Like have it so you press the control stick and it makes the object change to ghost mode. That would be soo helpful. But most of all I want custom games gametypes to make it so one team has one type of armor ability and the other has there own and make it so one team has access to only covenant weapons if their elites and humans can only have human weapons. Like there is a switch that allows them to only pick up their own type of weapon. In forge I really want that shield door in boneyard were it only allows that one team in and out but the enemy can't go through it.
  19. XBOXDroobey

    XBOXDroobey Ancient
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    Not just forge, but custom games gametypes:

    Unlimited jetpack/sprint/camo?
  20. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Maybe a map with no floor and gravity hammers with infinite jet-pack and you've gotta whack them down to the ground to a death barrier =D

    Okay so I'm thinking out loud and probably not the best idea but hey >_>
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