If Reach has Forge, what new features/ objects do you want?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by eating lunch, Jan 10, 2010.

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  1. Raakuth

    Raakuth Forerunner
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    I want the ability to change what the commentator guy says so if like said before you could time a pelican to crash or whatever, the guy would say that it is going to happen e.g.

    pelican crashes at 2 mins so when the timer reaches 1min 50secs it could say pelican inbound get to cover
  2. MyMovesAreNinja

    MyMovesAreNinja Forerunner

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    i have nothing to contribute except for the fact that you should subnit this list to bungie.
  3. ptto911

    ptto911 Forerunner

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    A suggestion for Reach forge

    Programmable AI.
  4. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
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    Some of these things aren't even forge related, altering weapons isn't forge, and a lot of these things are to make maps more realistic, but I think you should leave the professional map making to bungie, if they want your help they'll ask, and if they think your map is worthy, they'll make their own version of it that will include things that you couldn't possibly forge.

    I really hope this is like a 5 year old's Christmas list cause I doubt you'll get almost any of this in Reach.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm gonna say items 1- 8 are realistic the rest are either repeats, pointless, or just generally retarded, or not worth remembering.
  6. CriminaL

    CriminaL Ancient
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    The ability to group objects together and a copy and paste if possible to help novices like me
  7. Oni Alpha Elite

    Oni Alpha Elite Forerunner

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    I want a Extra detail designer so if you spawn a box change the color texture and design of course
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Do people here know that there are actually limits for what can be put in a game. And has anyone ever noticed that modded maps are laggy because halo cannot process it all. Honestly the most we can really hope for is more vehicles and a canvas map like sandbox from the start. I doubt bungie would even add those.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You're right about the people removing budget and stuff of course, but as for a Canvas map from the start, come on. Have a little optimism. Bungie made the original forge for just moving around weapons and stuff on Last Resort, and stacking crates on Foundry. I don't think when they made it they expected it to be a real map-maker, but for Reach they will, so it will be tooled for that purpose and be improved.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I hope so, but bungie has failed me at every turn. Remember foundry was not actually one of the original maps, it arrived with the heroic DLC.
    #150 pyro, Apr 4, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2010
  11. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    No, no it wasn't. When they found that people were using forge to make maps as best they could instead of just moving weapons around they tried to convert it into a map maker as best they could. Obviously all they could do was add maps with good items but with reach there not limited to anything!
  12. Mattasaurus

    Mattasaurus Forerunner

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    Who would decide wether a map is any good?
    For example I could have a map that ive sent to all my friends and say a few of them sent them to their friends and we all think its an amazing map worthy of being on matchmaking. but the people at bungie think no its no good because this peice here doesn't work because blah blah. My map won't get in regardless of the fact that I have all these people saying they love it and what not. (thats an example I dont think I have a map that ALL my friends think is that immense xD just a few friends who do lol) plus they would have millions of submissions from all over from people who have never made a map in their life to people who are pros at it. they have to sift through all of them and say yes or now. the sheer amount of submissions they get would result in a very specific list of things that MUST be exactly right making it nigh impossible. I do think This would be an immense addition and yes bunggie would stand to make a bomb off this but it would be a vary complicated process. you could submit your best map and not have it even looked at for a VERY long time and then by the time they do look at it whos to say you havnt remade that map or gotten 10X better and made a map better than that.
    It is a great idea but how they would sort it i do not know

    [EDIT] I would LOVE Physics objects or atleast the ability to turn physics on that object Off or ON....have a pallet that doesnt need to be on a sender node for example or have a double wall that if you stand on one side it starts to topple to you have to get to the next bit quickly...it would make things like race maps, trapmaps and skill maps that much better for example.
    #152 Mattasaurus, Apr 5, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2010
  13. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Bungie couldn't do that what so ever because it would have came from a map that everyone has so if you didn't by them you could still join and then just save it.
    And to be honest, I wouldn't pay for player made maps even if bungie could do it. Forge was made for fun not money.
    Your edit framing sweet! Why didn't I think of that? That would make forge a better place!!!
  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Are you kidding me!?!?!?!?!? I would pay bungie $100 to replace their versions of sandbox and foundry with ones posted on Forge Hub. Honestly Bungie's maps are not that great in my opinion because they value making it perfect for that one insanely competetive player rather than the 100 other people who are just playing for fun. Bungie is also probably going to wait on a sandbox type map that is highly customizable to force people to buy map packs.
    #154 pyro, Apr 9, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2010
  15. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    If you have to buy player made maps or if no one posts maps in the hope that bungie will use it (only if they are the only person with it) than what happens to FH?
    More and more people start asking for MS points for there maps and less and less maps are posted... FH will be destroyed.
  16. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    destroyed is a strong word
  17. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Actually, Bungie did expect players to be making their own maps. They would make an entire game mode with ability to spawn all the objects on a map just so players could move around a few weapons!
    Halo 3 was released in September, Foundry was released less than 3 months later.

    You're suggesting:
    Bungie had a few maps which didn't make it to the final game
    Bungie released Halo 3
    They saw people were attempting to make their own maps
    They decided to take one of the maps, which just happened to be made up of lots of similar pieces of scenery and when removed gave you an empty box, and optimize it for Forge custom maps.

    The last 2 points would have had to take place in 2 months (obviously the map pack was completed before December).

    I'm pretty sure they knew people would want to use the map editor to make their own custom maps and releasing the best map to do that on as DLC means they get more money.
    Bungie is a company. They need money.
  18. BrassMachine

    BrassMachine Forerunner

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    I'm a big fan of the decorations. It would liven up the overall mood and atmosphere. Here are a few random ideas:
    > Lava rocks that work like fusion coils and explode.
    > Volcanic style skins for blocks.
    > Have the ability to have the water kill you or not so you can have a barrier or an under water map of your choosing.
    > A rope and wood style bridge like you'd find in Indiana Jones and can be breakable.

    Even if they only apply some of the things you said, it would still improve forge 100%.
  19. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    Well, I read through the arsenal of suggestions and i've got to say, there are some pretty good ideas amongst the impossible and arguably unnecessary.

    One thing I'd like to see are static switches that trigger placeable gates and such. a 'Hold (B) to raise the elevator' kind of thing.
    a placeable form of the breaking glass they have in Sword Base would be fun as well.

    I have a hunch that we'll be able to place "battlefield" boundaries if they make forge that elaborate. The things that kill you if you leave the map Depending on the freedom given with this some interesting minigames could arise.
    Also, I'm hoping the custom games editor will have custom Loadouts for specified teams, something like an 'Available Loadouts' option under [Zombie, VIP team, Attacking, Defending] team traits followed by a Loadout editor. This would revolutionize custom games in my opinion.

    offtopic: Oh, Another rookie. hai.
  20. bigbluetuna

    bigbluetuna Forerunner

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    Realist, Not Surreal.

    Even though adding all of this would be a bonus to playing Halo:REACH... You have to think of it in a money making perspective. To add all of your wants that aren't needed to keep many people forging, Bungie would have to spend millions more to pay for the software, man hours, and also push back release date. Another reason you more than likely wont be able to alter the grounds leveling or add water is because this: Editing of maps to that extent is often called MODDING. It takes away all of the original look and feel of a map and creating a brand new one, thus losing the feel of the Halo story line. Not saying that everyone will alter a map that severely if given the chance, but there would definitely be a large crowd. Keep that in mind. I do however agree with you on adding more lighting features, and the item limit. One thing that you blew out of proportion would be "we are only given 40 of double walls and boxes of which are used often, instead we need like 400." Are you by chance building a stairway to heaven from the bottom of a map where you have altered the ground to 100m below sea level or something? Please think logically.
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