If Reach has Forge, what new features/ objects do you want?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by eating lunch, Jan 10, 2010.

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  1. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    If Halo Reach has forge, what new features, objects, and other things would you like to see in the new forge?

    I think we should make a list and all email it to Bungie to hopefully improve the forge we get with Reach. Even if by a rare chance they weren't planning on including forge in Reach, this will encourage them to at least put a basic one in it last minute.

    I will start off listing some stuff I would like:

    1. Water; I want to be able to put water on my maps. And choose the color of it too. Green water would be awesome, even pink and purple dotted water.

    2. Optional colors/ textures for objects. I want a double block that I can make covered in snow, and make an ice block.

    3. Optional textures for map surfaces, like grass, rock, sand, metal, purple covenant metal, flood goo crap, and so on. I want a Sandtrap thats entirely grassed instead of sand for an example.

    4. Fire; I want to be able to put fires on my map. And not a certain size either. I want to be able to cover whatever sized section of ground, ceilings, or walls in fire.

    5. 15 times the resources. I don't want 40 double walls, 400 is much more practical and realistic. Limiting forgers to only like 40 of an object used as much as double walls or double blocks is not realistic. Forgers need about 10-20 times the resources to work with than what we have.

    6. An object limit number display. There's nothing like being 90% done with a map and then suddenly seeing "Cannot create object, too many on map." Just putting a display that shows how close you are to seeing that would be a TREMENDOUS help to forgers.

    7. A Solid/ Permeable object option for merging. An option for objects to be Solid or Permeable would help forgers to merge objects together without the use of glitches like ghost merging. Once the object was placed, it would of course be solid even if it was permeable while being placed somewhere. Being able to have one solid object penetrate another solid object is EXTREMELY useful for forgers, so this would be a great help.

    8. Color options. I want an Artic camo Hornet for one team, an orange/ blue leopard pattern banshee for the other team, a camo sniper rifle, and a pink tank.

    9. A terrain slope editor. I want to be able to manipulate the slope of the ground, even to the extent to shape it into walls, buildings, or cave structures. But at the very least I want to be able to flatten out a hill on a map or make a hill.

    10. Customizeable weaponry. Accuracy options, range options, ammo amount options, damage options, rate of fire options, reload time options, and so on. I want a shotgun to do double the damage and shoot across a full map for example.

    11. Adjustable man cannons. A man cannon that shoots a player only a few feet may be needed at times, and at other times one that shoots a player all the way across a map may be needed.

    12. Lights. I want more lights, not just two blue ball lights and two blue ball red lights. I want yellow street lights, spotlights, just a random glow in an area, and so on. And I want to choose the color of the light for all of them too. I want a street lamp with a green light in it.

    13. An area like the sky bubble in Sandbox, but with floor already included that can be deleted leaving the shape and size floor you want instead of having to make your own floor using up your budget, and still being unable to make it as big as you need.

    14. Combined gametypes. I want zombies attacking humans while the humans are trying to capture a flag they need to bring to the hill they're trying to hold, while also taking a bomb into the zombies' base to destroy them all.

    15. A start/finish line object for race tracks. I'm not a huge fan of them, but lots of people make them and so a starting/ finish line would be well used by forgers. I would use it on a track I made for sure.

    16. TREES!! And bushes and shrubs and such. I want plants on my maps. Big huge gigantic ones too. And hollowed out giant trees so that I could put structures inside the tree's trunk.

    17. Lava. I want red hot molten smoking firey lava. And the option to make it any color I want too, even brown.

    18. Weather. I want to be able to make it rain, snow, hail, and rain fire on my maps. Ok maybe not rain fire or hail, but being able to put rain, thunderstorms, or snow would be great.

    19. Night/ day options for maps.

    20. FOG. Fog is a must for maps. Having fog would add an unbelieveable dimension of depth and creativity to maps.

    21. Crashed pelicans

    22. Elephants as vehicles that can be put on forged maps.

    23. SCARABS. Being able to put a Scarab on a forged map and being able to drive it would be amazing.

    24. Texture options for objects so that a wall piece's texture can be changed from the object options to grass, and suddenly you have a piece of grass wall. Other textures could be sand, gravel, rock, granite, clay, metal, glass, see through glass, mirror, a good selection of normal colors, camo, rust, ice, snow, bamboo, wood, flood goo crap, and so on.

    25. Gravity options for objects. If gravity is on, the object will fall if you de-select it while it is in the air, and land on the ground like normal. If gravity is off, it will just stay where you were holding it at.

    26. Object size option. Being able to make an object bigger or smaller would be extremely useful.

    27. Air lifts. Having the option to use a different looking lift other than a gravity lift or a man cannon would be great. One could be an air lift like on Black Out.

    28. Different kinds of teleporters. If someone is making an ancient 10000 year old map, and wants or needs to put in a magic portal, the high-tech futuristic green teleporter doesn't really fit in at all. Teleporters that appear different would be nice, and being able to change the color from green to whatever would be great too.

    29. Timed spawn points. Having spawn points that only begin being used after so much time passes would be very useful. Spawn points that stop being used after so much time passes would be very useful as well.

    30. Vanishing objects. Having objects that spawn at the game's start, but vanish after so much time would be extremely helpful.

    31. Ladders. Sometimes lifts aren't the best option, so having ladders available would be nice. I wanted a ladder on the map I just finished, two ladders actually. I had to use man cannons instead that don't fit in with the map.

    32. Sand. It would be helpful; you click it then hold A to drop sand on wherever your cursor is. I would find that as the best method for placeable textures such as snow water and sand.

    33. TVs

    34. Beds

    35. Windows with breakable glass

    36. Glass, both solid and breakable

    37. Mirrors

    38. Chairs, for looks of course

    39. Two metal things with an arc of electricity between them, for looks only, just make it impossible to walk between that way it doesn't have to kill players, but players can't walk through it and talk about how dumb it is for not killing them.

    40. Invisible barrier walls to section off certain areas that can spawn at certain times and go away at certain times.

    41. Place-able death barriers.

    42. Timed map events, like after 3 minutes a pelican flies by and blows up a losing team's base.

    43. Place-able cameras that can be viewed through a control panel placed elsewhere on the map, so that when the player accesses the panel they then see whatever the camera sees. And if its possible even a camera with rockets so you can blow up anyone you see.

    44. NPC's and a gametype to see who's team gets the most dps on them.

    45. A sniper rifle that can see and shoot through walls.

    46. Walls that can be shot through.

    47. One-way Glass

    48. One-way doors

    49. Overshields, Invisibility, and Custom powerups available as equipment the player picks up like in the campaign, as well as the usual powerups that the forger can place on the map like what is currently in forge for overshields, invisibility, and custom powerups.

    50. Being able to choose the number of lives that can be given for each team.

    51. Longer times for an object to spawn (the maximum is currently three minutes).

    52. Custom Powerup 1, 2, 3, ect.., so that you can have different kinds of powerups in a map, for example the usual invisibility, overshield, then a custom speed powerup, a custom invicibility powerup, a custom instant kill powerup, and so on.

    53. The option to make a custom powerup last much longer, like 10 minutes, or even the entire game.

    54. Optional sound backgrounds for maps. For example, silence, wind, guns shooting, voices talking over a radio, a heart pounding noise, and so on. I would LOVE to be able to use the background music from the beginning of the level Halo on some of my maps. Its great, intense background music that really improves the quality of the level Halo, and would do the same for lots of forged maps.

    55. Scarabs, just as a decorative asthetic object.

    56. Vehicle objects other than the current ones. Normal looking cars, ghosts that can't be used but are only for looks, hornets for looks, and so on. Having the option to put cars would add a nice look to some maps, and having the option to place usual vehicles like warthogs but just as a decorative object would be useful since it would not take as much of the budget I assume.

    57. Guitars, drums, pianos, chandaleers, water fountains, pictures, pool tables, dining tables, chemistry sets, prison bars, prison doors, prophet hologram communicator things like in the campaign, fireplaces, chimneys, and bookshelves with books and ones without books.

    58. Caves

    59. Huge flat pieces that could be used for huge walls, ceilings, or floors.

    60. Pyramids

    61. No orange cones, they're useless even for decoration

    62. Explosive gas pumps

    63. Boulders of different sizes

    64. Stalagmites and stalactites

    65. A system where you can use more of an object than what you are allowed, but when you do it takes down how many you can use of another similar budgeted object. For example, on Sandbox forgers are limited to 40 double walls, so if I use a 41st double wall the game then makes me choose what object I will no longer be able to use, such as a double block, leaving me with 41 double walls placed on the map, but now only 39 double blocks left available to use.

    66. Small cover structures that look like sandbag bunkers, kind of about the size of a barrier that you can push around and shoot through, but like half the height so that crouching behind the sandbags gives you cover, but standing lets you shoot over the sandbags.

    67. Missile pods that are still in a fixed position with infinite ammo.

    68. Shade turrets, and a human turret that is not detatchable.

    69. Vines, ropes, wires, nets, flood tentacles, etc..

    70. Cement blocks like people karate chop in half

    71. A working elevator, a small one for players and a big one for vehicles too.

    72. The hovering sniper towers you find often in the campaign that have jackals in them usually.

    73. Warthogs that carry extra passengers instead of having a gun on them.

    74. Bridge Guard rails like on Tsavo Highway.

    75. Curbs for roads.

    76. Parking lot textures for wall pieces so that forgers can make parking lots.

    77. Power line pieces

    78. Turning fan wall pieces.

    79. Artillery cannons like in the storm, but just for asthetic purposes. They could be a good bit smaller too.

    80. Objects that look like a starship infested by the flood, or optional textures that look that way.

    81. An "Undo" option to undo a mistake. For example, deleting an object on accident.

    82. I'd like to be able to submit content, including scripted content, to bungie for moderation and then to be uploaded to h3's NEWLY INTRODUCED OBJECT BROWSER WITH THOUSANDS OF OBJECTS, using bungies NEWLY INTRODUCED FAN TOOLKIT.

    83. Object "grouping." It would be awesome to be able to build a structure out of objects, then select a "Grouping" option, select all the objects in the structure, and then have it treated as one object, like you could pick up the entire structure and move it or whatever.

    84. Copying and pasting sections of maps would be very useful for symetric maps.

    85. Automatic doors. Big ones, small ones, ones that swing open, and ones that slide open too. And not doors with a switch, just doors that open when you approach them.

    86. Square grass pieces, not round ones like the golf hole things.

    87. Quadruple wall pieces and quadruple blocks instead of odd things like Y tubes and T walls that are not used that often.

    88. A forging map devoted entirely to floating maps so that when you look down, you don't see another map thats empty, like seeing a gold rectangle surrounded by sand dunes on Sandbox.

    89. Water blocks. If being able to place your own water on a map is too difficult, water blocks are an alternative solution that would allow forgers to add water to their maps. And with optional colors too please.

    90. A water based map. A map where the bottom walking surface area is all water, and covered by ground sections that are delete-able like wall pieces, would be another way to allow forgers to be able to add water to their maps.

    91. A large section of water and a river to work with on a map that is good for forging. The section of water would need to be much bigger than Last Resort (plenty wide but it doesn't go far enough out really, and you have nothing to make a map with), Valhalla, or High Ground. An ideal size would be like half of the big open area of Foundry. And a river like on Valhalla that has an open flat area surrounding it about the size of half of Foundry would also be useful to forgers. So if place-able water, water blocks, and a water based map are not possibilities, please at least give us a map with these two features. It would just be putting the invisible barrier quite a bit further back on a map like Last Resort, Valhalla, or High Ground, and that can't be THAT hard to do. Please lol?

    92. Very powerful guns for use in forged maps where a player is a boss (EG a sniper rifle that could see through and/or shoot through walls) and the ability to make a gametype like that. (boss can have non-playable characters on his side or even a co-boss).

    93. Boats with guns on them, the guns could just be the usual turrets, it doesn't matter too much just so the boats can have guns on them. Actually a normal turret would be best, so the forger could choose between a boat with a human turret, a plasma turret, or a mounted missile pod.

    94. Snowmobiles and jet skis.

    95. The option to make it where players can't see their teammates' shields, assuming the leaked photos were legit. If they were its a good idea, but sometimes for custom games people will want to be able to turn it off, just like shields themselves.

    96. The option to put a scoped assault rifle on a map, or a normal one, a non-scoped full auto battle rifle, a sniper rifle distance scoped battle rifle, and so on. Being able to change firing modes on some guns at least and their scopes as well as zoom levels would be great.

    97. If Reach has sprinting, the option to disable it, slow it down, or speed it up, just like the usual running speed options.

    98. The option to fully choose what weapons can be put on a map. For example, Halo 3 does not have a human weapons only option if I am not mistaken. Just make it a checklist where you put either yes or no for each weapon that you want to be used in a game. If thats not possible at least have extensive choices such as: human, alien, covenant, brute, duals, no duals, close up, no close up, sniping, no sniping, battle rifles, lasers, shotguns, swords, hammers, brute shots, rockets, no power weapons, power weapons, and so on.

    99. Scoring options up to like 250. Some games may give up to like 5 or even more points per a kill, so having the option to put the score up to like 250 or 300 would be helpful for some gametypes.

    100. A No Equipment option. A lot of people really strongly disliked almost all of the equipment in Halo 3, and would love to have this option.

    101. Optional Equipment in general, for example Trip Mines only, or no trip mines.

    102. Place-able waterfalls, even if they cost a big chunk of the budget like $200 its ok, its better than nothing.

    103. Snapping Feature. It would be great to be able to select a Snapping option to turn an object exactly square, perfectly lined up.

    104. A random box (you open it and it has a random gun in it.)

    105. Equipment that gives you a grunt or something to help you for like 1min when used.

    106. The guns Hunters carry, maybe this could be introduced as a Covenant equivalent to the Spartan Laser. But make them Halo CE style and Halo 2/3 style. (Halo CE charged then shot a bolt/ blast/ projectile, Halo 2/ 3 shot a fluid-like beam that was less powerful than the Halo CE Hunter gun.)

    107. Jet packs, they could be controlled in a similar manner to flying while you're the monitor in Forge. Throwing grenades could be disabled while flying a jet pack, and the jet packs could have their own gun, or you could shoot the gun you are carrying while the Spartan or Elite is using their other hand to fly the jet pack as far as how it would appear to another playing looking at the player flying one. Obviously being able to zoom a gun like a sniper rifle would need to be disabled while flying with a jet pack, but not smacking. The back of the jet pack could be explosive as well so that if you shoot a flying player in the right spot on the back of their jet pack it blows them up. Kind of like fighting a hunter.

    108. The ODST pistol. I really liked it. In fact, have the Halo CE pistol, the Halo 2 Magnum, and the Halo 3 Magnum as well. Let forgers choose what pistol they prefer. Although if weapons have customizeable zoom levels, range, rate of fire, and damage, just one Reach pistol could be modified into all of those pistols.

    109. A system where maps can be submitted to Bungie to be modified as needed to become an "Official" Bungie map, which Bungie could release as part of a huge map pack, perhaps crediting the creator if possible, just for respect not for money or anything of course, and to be added into matchmaking playlists. This would allow Forgers to make exceptional maps and then be rewarded for their exceptional work by having hundreds of thousands of people play on the map they created. It would also benefit Bungie because Bungie could make an extremely high amount of profit off of maps since they would not need to work on making them nearly as much.

    110. A system for matchmaking where you can search for a popular custom forged map that has been "submitted" and uploaded to the Forge Maps playlist. The player could then type in the name of the map they're looking for to see if any players are playing a game on the same map, or waiting too. It could work somewhat like Halo CE PC version's online matchmaking if it needed too, thats another possible way for something like this idea to work. Obviously Bungie could remove less popular custom maps, and replace them with newer, more popular ones. This could also help Bungie determine maps that would be good to release as "Official" Bungie maps perfected by Bungie to be added into Matchmaking, as part of a downloadable map pack the player would pay live points for like we do now.

    111. A "No-cloaking" option that would disable invisibility in a game period, even if there are powerups for it on the map or perks for it if Reach has perks.

    112. Same for Overshields.

    113. Same for custom powerups.

    114. No powerups option.

    115. Grenade type options, so that if you want all frag, spike, plasma, firebombs, frags and plasmas, no grenades, or whatever, you can choose that option for you game.

    116. 10 on 10 mega team battle options for custom games.

    117. Volcanoes that actually erupt, maybe just in a map though since it would be difficult to add in as a forge object.

    118. A button to open a dam gate to flood a big area. Again maybe just on a map.

    119. Turn off all lights in an indoor map.

    120. Turn on a huge fan that now blocks a pathway that you could walk through before.

    121. Every object, detail, option, etc..., from Far Cry 2.

    122. Different themed sections for objects, such as spooky or ancient.

    123. A radio type object that allows the editor to record a message with his headset, and then play that during the game as a "Press X to activate" function.

    124. Allow the map creator to set the exact number when changing the spawn time, or any other setting of an object.

    125. Many more gametype editing options.

    126. This isn't really a forge thing, but the infected in infection should look like the flood... get it right this time, please bungie!

    127. Lego pieces.

    128. Dropships like pelicans and phantoms.

    129. Restaraunts. So people can eat while they're on the go. Killing people and seeing their guts can make me very hungry.

    130. Civilian vehicles that can be used by players for transportation.

    131. Shade turrets.

    132. The option/ ability to call in a Mac Cannon blast during a game. It would be kind of like using a predator missile in Modern Warfare 2, but would be called a Mac Cannon blast to fit in with Halo. It would be insanely awesome to be able to blow up people like that. It could be after killing like 5 people in a row, each team could have one or two shots with it from a certain place on the map like they push a button and go to the firing/ aiming mode, or maybe become available to a losing team that needs a ton of help, like if they're down by like twenty or thirty kills or something. The best would be to give forgers options for all of those things. Put an object for using your one or two mac cannon blasts during a game in forging, and in gametype options have the options for a losing team to be given a free mac cannon blast, and another option for giving players a mac cannon blast if they get a certain number of kills in a row in like 4 seconds or whatever.

    133. Draw bridges that can both be lowered and raised, and have the option to start opened or lowered in the game. So the forger could add a drawbridge that starts off where a team can't cross it, but once they hit the button it lowers and then the team can go across. But to protect themselves from behind they hit the other button on the opposite side to raise it again, so if the other team comes behind them they have to lower the bridge first to cross it.

    134. A gravemind looking thing for decoration. It doesn't have to be too fancy, it would just be cool to be able to put a wierd flood tentacle looking monster thing on a flood themed map.

    135. Traffic lights

    136. A small stand thing that displays a hologram of Cortana, or another AI hologram looking figure.

    137. Flood spores that pop open and make noise when shot like on the level Cortana, or the map Isolation.

    138. Flood looking columns like on Isolation.

    139. Auto-turrets that shoot at the other team like in the Halo 3 campaign.

    140. A liquid filled tube with a flood creature inside, and one with just liquid inside but not a flood creature. Pretty much like the one on Cold Storage.

    141. Teleporters that look like the teleporters on Cold Storage.

    142. Interesting looking holograms kind of like on Epitaph, but they don't have to be that big or detailed. Optional colors would be good too. And the holograms can be different styles too, not just technological forerunner appearing ones like on Epitaph.

    143. A round metallic object with lights like on Construct on the water side. Its below the walkway with the sword. Its the end of the walkway, but its below the sword on the bottom of the walkway.

    144. Data panels like on Construct near the main yellow lift to the right of it when you go up it and come out, but colors besides transparent blue would be great.

    145. Yellow shield doors like on Epitaph.

    146. Windows with moving data like on Epitaph.

    147. Giant man cannons like on Avalanche.

    148. Pipes like on Rat's Nest for looks mainly that can be walked on like on Rat's Nest.

    149. Land mines like on Sand Trap.

    150. A big round metal covenant styled purple ball, like in each of the bases on Snowbound.

    151. The ability to select an object, press a button and then all other of its kind will be high lighted with waypoints above (useful for finding those stray spawn areas, bomb points, etc on your canvas map)

    152. I think there should be a butten when choosing the map to forge on that deletes all items on the map

    153. Scenery equipment: a permanently placed scenery object for trip mines, power drains, bubble shields, regenerators, (not flares), and deployable covers.

    154. KillStreak type things would be awesome

    155. I want a butten that turns the item you just placed into a hologram so it looks like it's there but you can walk though it!! New age of mazes.... Secret passengers + death pits ftw!

    156. I want occasional updates and downloadable content/ upgrades.

    157. I think gravity manipulators would be cool. I guess they'd look something like a territory/hill marker and anyone inside the changeable dimensions would be effected. All gravity pull/push woud be based on where the bottom of the marker is located. And there would be __% gravity strangth in the options menue. Strong pull would glue you to the floor, wall, or even cealing. A sligltly weaker pull could limit your jump. You could have a push that would basicly work like a huge grav lift, or a medium push that could give you 10 feet jumping abilities. You could even create weightlessness. You'd just keep travleing through the air in the direction and speed you entered.

    158. Bots! Basic, easy-to-kill dud players. It could create some fun infection maps where it would be difficult to tell the real infected from the bots

    159. I would want piles of garbage and food. It would be cool to make a landfill map or a garbage dump map or something, or just make your city look a bit more realistic from a nasty look pile of garbage or food.

    160. A Hornet where you can put a Pelican skin on it. It would fly like a Hornet, but could carry your entire team, could be boarded through the cockpit (the enemy player could punch through the glass)... That would be epic.

    161. The ability to carve letters into walls, floors or ceilings

    162. I want night and day setings (so you can make it really day or really light, add rain ect)

    163. A Map Lock Protecter. So People Can't Steal Your Map.

    164. Emblem imprint. (i.e. stamp your emblem on a wall) with retroactive or sticky options.

    165. An X,Y,Z coordinate system for placing objects. This would allow you to pick a zero point (and change it) and place objects relative to it, this would take care of axis rotation and exact placement of objects. This would also help the problem with objects movement after placement.

    166. Making all item lists available, no matter the canvas your building on. As well as mentioned before, adding more of a certain type of object and reducing another.

    167. 600+ items per map without having to worry about which items are original.

    168. No budget limit. If what Bungie said about their new systems for large scenarios is correct, maybe this wouldn't be a problem.

    169. Portals. Huge portals too. The difference between a portal and a teleporter would be that the portal is big enough for a vehicle to drive through, and the portal would be round or square depending on a style/ appearance you choose. Different colors and a square or circular option would be great for portals too. Being able to throw grenades through them where the portal teleports the grenade would be awesome too. At least a couple of sizes would be nice too, like one thats plenty big to fit warthogs through, and then a huge size that is plenty big to fit a tank or wraith through, or even fly a banshee or hornet through.

    170. Ultra-low budget floor pieces, if you must resort to still using a budget, but we have greath faith in you Bungie and know you can find a way to get rid of budgets and item limits!!!! It would just be great to be able to cover like half or even all of the sky bubble in floor pieces. I wouldn't care if it was just paper thin black squares or something if I had something I could use to make a HUGE area covered in floor that players can walk on. Or, if its easier, you could make some pieces that are thin and flat kind of that are like 200 wall pieces long and wide. It wouldn't take many of those layed down to make a floor for a huge area. And having that ability would be useful on other maps too other than the sky bubble because sometimes you need or want to cover up an area of ground on a map.

    So thats a decent start everyone else add to the list and I will add it in here. Include the numbers please, and if you think me or someone else has kind of covered something but you are thinking slightly different things, I think we should add it to the list anyway, even if its repetitive. That probably means if there are two aspects to something that is essentially the same thing, more than one person wanting a change made to that probably means it needs an improvement, so mentioning it twice in the list would be good I think. That is assuming its not EXACTLY the same lol. I know some of the stuff I mentioned was a bit repetitive, like colors, but like color options for things is really important to me.
    #1 eating lunch, Jan 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010
  2. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sand. It would be helpful; you click it then hold A to drop sand on wherever your cursor is. I would find that as the best method for placeable textures such as snow water and sand
  3. Torkzor

    Torkzor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like an actual map-maker. Similar to that of Far Cry 2. But that won't happen, due to the amount of money Bungie make from map packs.
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Bungie isn't very smart. If they would put a map-maker in Reach, they could also include a submission system for players to submit maps to Bungie to make them an official Bungie map. Then Bungie could sell them in a map pack, and credit the player so they're happy too. Then Bungie has no cost in making their maps, and can sell them for pure profits. They would also get more maps faster, meaning map packs could contain more maps, and probably better ones too.

    I don't know how they haven't thought about that yet lol.
  5. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Equivalent of Dragon Age: Origins PC's toolkit. (Official "Developer-Class" Toolkit (the one used to make the game))
  6. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Sorry, this website is being really, really slow for me and my computer posted the same thing twice.
    #6 eating lunch, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  7. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, I've been slow as hell too.
    I want...
    -timed map things. like after 3 mins a pelican flys buy and blows a base up to help a loseing team.
    -Controlable cameras. so you can have a control panalee buy a door and using it takes you to the view of the camera to see who's coming! (or just put rockets on the camera and kill things in a hidden spot!
    -NPC's and a gamtype to see who's team gets the most dps on them.
    -rediculously overpowered guns(not on any other map just for forge) like a sniper that can see people though walls (blood red) and shoot them.
    I'll post more later.

    Edit: Just about posted this twice from lag but it said had to wait 15 secs between post. o_0
    #7 Turkey bag56, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can already get this... ITS CALLED A 3D MODDELLING PROGRAM. Seriously, most of this is NEVER going to happen.
    I guess we can dream...
  9. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I guess me and eating lunch are not the only ones laging...
    I know most this stuff will never get anywhere (I make games and some of it would be rediculously hard to put in forge and take a very long time) but theres a small chance they might! Also I want a placeable death barrier. That would help so much with so much!
  10. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Well my thinking is if enough people email the list of things we come up with to get their attention, and we have enough things on it, then there HAS got to be AT LEAST like 5 things they could add in. Some of the things are virtually impossible, but looking at it the other way some of the things have got to be really easy to do too.
  11. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea. The chances are very small... Like getting hit by a car yet it happens to someone every day. If we all work together they will have to do something about it and with so many ideas they might find some things they want!
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Being able to choose the number of lives that can be given for each team.

    -Longer times for an object to spawn (the max is currently three)

    -Custom powerup 1, 2, 3, ect. While we're on the subject of custom powerups, how about making them having them last forever/until the user dies, instead of 90 seconds?
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Being able to choose the number of lives that can be given for each team.

    -Longer times for an object to spawn (the max is currently three)

    -Custom powerup 1, 2, 3, ect. While we're on the subject of custom powerups, how about making them having them last forever/until the user dies, instead of 90 seconds?
  14. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Those are all very good ideas! I didn't even think about them lol. Although I have thought about longer spawn times for objects, but I didn't think to put it in the list lol.
  15. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Forerunner

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    I think you've forgotten the most importand upgrade; a ctrl+z option. I would pay 300 microsoft poinst for only that little upgrade, I realy need it because it so annoying when you delete something wich you don't want to delete, and wich take hours to reset. (Alright, not hours, but sometimes it takes realy long)
  16. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ghost merge it. It'll take a max of a few minutes.

    And really, I've seen a million of these threads and they're starting to bug me.

    Though I'd like to be able to change the size of an object. Say you have a double block and it costs $5. You could do something to make it a 2x2 block instead of a 2x1 block, but it would cost $10.
  17. Cornflakes Sam

    Cornflakes Sam Forerunner

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    Of course you can ghost merge it, but still would some option like that usefull. If they can upgrade it, why not.
  18. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought of a good idea but a dont know if it's been said before. It would be awesome if you could make something like a little structure out of the blocks or whatever then be able to group it into one object. You would be able to press Y or something to be able to move or delete one piece of it, or use A to move the group. It would be cool then if you could upload an user created item to your file share like maps and gametypes etc. Hope that made sense.
  19. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to be able to submit content, including scripted content, to bungie for moderation and then to be uploaded to h3's NEWLY INTRODUCED OBJECT BROWSER WITH THOUSANDS OF OBJECTS, using bungies NEWLY INTRODUCED FAN TOOLKIT.
  20. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I made a topic like this not long ago, although I decided to make detailed descriptions of each item.

    Forge today is limited. It is very, very limited. Despite this limitation, people have still created incredible, unique things, that seperate their maps from the norm.

    But with the coming of Halo: Reach, forgers look to the future of forge! New ways to shape maps, new tools to merge, and new ways to design.

    Now, I post this thread for people to imagine how forge could be. How it would work, what tools will be used, and how to use them. Post your ideas here, and we shall compile them into a list of epic forgeness!

    The List

    Each object on the list must be well-detailed and thought through before it will be added. I myself will expand on some of the ideas, and it'd be nice if others could help with that :). Listed below is the first object I've expanded upon. Feel free to help make these topics, and I will personally spell check them and give you an honorable mention in the list (how sweet of me).

    New Forge Objects

    Automatic Doors
    Doors have always been a personal issue throughout the game. Take High-Ground for an example. It has a massive set of rooms and areas, but every door is swung wide open. In fact, the only doors found in any multiplayer maps require you to pull a switch.

    Now, think about the halo campaign. How often have automatic doors not only been useful for cover, but aesthetically pleasing as well? Wouldn't it be great if you could implement this into a map of your own?​

    How It Would Work

    The idea for an automatic door is relatively simple. We'll use a door from the campaign as an example. Upon stepping near the door or driving near it with a vehicle, it will open. Simple.​

    Types of Doors

    Of course, there can't be only one type of automatic door. There need to be many, to fit the needs of different maps. ​

    1) Basic door. A small, fast-opening door that allows players to traverse a map with ease.​

    2) Swinging door. When resting, the door is in a closed position. Players have to hit these doors open, and the door never closes unless it if affected by a grenade or other force.​

    3) Any more ideas?

    Water has always been an interesting subject in the world of halo. People try time and again to create that water aesthetic touch by making a river of shield doors, mancannons, and blue lights, but it never really does the trick.

    Imagine if you could create your own water... perhaps a scene such as on Last Resort, where a great and beautiful beach marks the land. Perhaps a Valhalla situation, a great river running through your map, shaping the landscape. And a waterfall! Isn't it every forger's dream to make a waterfall?

    How It Would Work

    Water is a liquid, which means it is free-flowing and will always take the easiest path of travel. There are also 2 forms of water found in halo. These forms are simple:

    1) Direct Source. The waterfall on Valhalla is a perfect example of this. The water itself never stops flowing, and it flows at a constant rate. This water then travels down the natural canyon and into the ocean on the other side.

    Imagine it like this: In forge, you spawn a water source item. It wouldn't have an appearance, it would simply start spewing water. You would also be able to edit the flow of the water. Now, by placing the object high up on a cliff, and increasing the flow, it would make a waterfall!

    2) Sitting Water. Sitting water is pretty self explanatory. It just sits. Like the water off of Longshore, or perhaps just a small puddle. Placing the object is not quite as simple though.

    In order to place sitting water, first you would spawn a Water Generator. To work the water generator, you must first place it in the area of the map you want it to be placed. Then, you can start editing the amount of water, in a method similar to changing the size of a Hill Marker or a Respawn Area. This amount can be very small, or massive, to practically create an ocean beneath your map.

    Types Of Water

    1) Sitting Water. Water that sits in an area like a puddle.

    2) Direct Source. Water that flows from a specific source and flows until it escapes the map.

    3) Any other ideas?

    In todays forge, we have vision filters. These filters, however, are largely useless, because the effects are either minor or undiserable. Not only that, but Sandbox is a plain, dull map. All it is, is Sand! But what if we could change that?

    How it would work

    There are two main things that forgers want: Changes in scenery, and weather. Current-day filters don't change either, they only change the mood of the map. I'll go over the first type of filter, scenery:

    1) These new filters would be very similar to the current day ones, but with different, more dramatic effects. For example, let's say you're in a game of forge on Sandbox, and spawn a Valley Scenic Filter. This would immediatly change the look of the map. Instead of it being torn-up dunes, it would become a grassy valley.

    2) Along with this nice new scenery change, your objects will have new looks too. Your large blocks will have moss and vines all over them, and your obelisks have become strange trees!

    3) The filter would not affect your structures in any way except for their appearance. They would still play the same.

    Now, the other type of filter, Weather, would be combined with the scenery filter to create incredible effects.

    1) First of all, lets say you spawn a Rainy filter. It suddenly turns into a light drizzle, and the sky is filled with dark clouds. The map is also darker than it was before.

    2) Lets say you combine this with a scenery filter like Forerunner Scenic. Without the Rainy filter, your forerunner structure is bright and exhuberant. But with the Rainy filter, your ancient metal buliding suddenly becomes darker, and small bits of it are starting to rust.

    Types of Filters

    1) Weather. These filters affect time of day and the weather on your map.

    a) Rainy. Creates a light drizzle effect.
    b) Heat wave. Creates a bright sun and multiple reflections off of metal and such
    c) Bog. Creates a thin fog and dark sky.
    d) Suggestions for this one?
    e) Or this one?

    2) Scenery. This affect changes the appearance of the landscape and forged items.

    a) Valley. Similar to Valhalla or the top of Isolation.
    b) Forerunner. Creates a Metal, forerunner environment for the map.
    c) Warehouse. Almost identical to foundry.
    d) Desert. Almost identical to Sandbox
    e) Any ideas here?

    New Forge Techniques/Tools

    Liquify Merging
    Ghost Merging has revolutionized the forging world. And yet despite the incredibleness of this glitch, it has its flaws.

    1) It can be very time consuming.

    2) The object being merged can only merge through 50% of the objects around it.

    Now what if we eliminated these flaws? That, my friends, is liquify merging.

    How It Would Work

    Imagine yourself back as a forge moniter. Normally, when you press x on an object, it brings up a few different options. Now there is another option, called liquify. By liquifying an object, it immediatly becomes locked in it's position, and is completely permeable when moved around. And when you let go of the object, it stays in it's position. Just like ghost merging, mirite? Now, if you press x on the object again, that liquify option will now say solidify. If you solidify an object, and pick it up again, it's like dealing with classic forge. The object will be completely solid, and will be affected by gravity again.

    Honorable Mentions.
    meltyourtv: Idea for automatic doors.
    boomerdude: Idea for swinging doors.

    Many other Members: For helping to bring the Filters item to life.​
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