Has anybody noticed the assholes on the internet, people that give bad comments saying YOU SUCK, when you upload a halo video to youtube or whatever. I just watched the newly updated HALO 3 pit 2v2, goddess. Goddess is a MLG female player. She is ranked #2 female in the world for halo 3. I watched her video on the machinima channel and its not that bad. But some of the sexist and "shes ****ing ****" comments are starting to tick me off. So why do you think people like these are dicks... is it because they have nothing todo, dislike everyone but themselfs or are just jelous.
because they dont have any domination to anyone or anything in real life. Ive gotton heaps of -rep for it. but there is also the occasional "did it for fun" or they are just a 12 year old b.net flamer. try not to let it get on your nerves. Because most likely thats what they want. +rep to make you feel better. EDIT: i need to spread it around a bit more before i can give it to you. remind me lol
So true. So many small children love the net because it gets rid of the old favourite response "Ima kick your ass you insolent tiny person". This gets replaced by "I can beat you at whatever game" and then descends into "you suck" with no fear of reprisal for these annoying children. It does make you wana get a really good IP tracker and a bunch of plane tickets, but what can you really do? + rep for your pain, I feel it too.
If a player sucks, then they suck, and that girl sucked. If it was a guy you wouldn't make a thread about it would you? Just because she's a girl is why you get mad. We're all able to have an opinion, and mine is that she sucks, and i'm allowed to voice that opinion.
those kind of people piss me of sooo much. even just on xboxlive right when you find a match the other team is all "youf*uckin N*gger ***** ass ****, your gunna lose and your gunna suck my **** and ill f*ck your mom...." i made that up. but usually there are similar things. just grinds my gears.
Turbo...guy shut the **** up ******. Having trouble pronouncing Gerbil there? I said shut up. Okay, hold on, right now I am trying to use my higher brain powers to transport myself to your physical location, and put myself in your shoes, I really do want to see what it's like to be the biggest douche in the universe. Hey SHUT UP ***! Isn't it past your bedtime, how old are you, 10? Yes, and you just watched a 10 year old get an extermination. That about sums it up.
Just ignore/mute them it works everytime , i reckon i have at least 99.9% of everyone in matchmaking muted because nearly EVERYONE theres is a dickwad. Im seriously considering changing my settings to friends only voice chat...
I can see why people diss her. I watched the 2v2 video and she is ****, she only gets attention because she's a girl... Here's why. Her BR aiming is bad, she misses 2-3 shots against a oponnent that is running away. She throws grenades at bubble shields. She walked into the guy with the shotgun. She walked into the power drain and didn't avoid it, (strong-siding, running away) She tea-bags like she's some kind of pro, every time she gets a kill. I could beat her in a 1v1. MLG pro, my ass.
There have been, are, and will continue to be assholes everywhere. Some people can be incredibly idiotic when they don't have to fear reprecussions. All you can really do is use Google, get all of their personnal information through a complex series of searches, steal their identity and use it to buy plane tickets, sneak into their house, and assassinate them while they sleep.