Ive been part of this community for a little while now and I've never seen this topic idea done here. Basically this topic is for those of you with ideas but idea how to make them reality and those in need of inspiration for future maps hence its an idea share. Now before people accuse me of simple being here to steal ideas from others Id just like to say if you say the idea here it then is public and any map stemming from it will not be able to be claimed as your work (unless you actually made the map) So heres an Idea Ive been thinking would be good for a while Using Avalanche and the brown forge filter make a recreation of the military base from "The Thing" so it can be used to play an infection game on, I mean its perfect filter or not it could be done to disguise who was infected Im sure then have a recreation of the tension and paranoia of the film. Anyone else care to share ideas or even just come in to pinch a few
Well, to be honest, I wouldn't expect any great ideas to come along in this thread, as people wouldn't want to get their ideas stolen (that is if they plan on making a map from the idea). Anyway, I have an idea that I would make but it seems too time consuming. It is rather simple: a spiral. It would probably have to be on foundry or Avalanche (depending on how high the person wishes to go with it). The spiral would just go up and up and up, with little side rooms on the side. Oh, and, plan on interlocking. A LOT.
AAAAAaa, cruel cruel world. I was working on an infection gametype BASED off of the thing, but it isn't going to look like that place. I am making it so u won;t know who the zombie is and where your allies are. It also has a sweet teleporter game (doesn't look like a tele node at all)
sounds interesting, yet very cruel to the humans. I just want to know how you plan on making it so you don't know who your teammates are, since they have a giant triangle over their head and all. I will DL it when you release it, if I come across it.
Ive thought about a game in foundry where the zombies are invincible and theres 2 so one can drive a mongoose and the other would sit on the back with a sniper. The humans would have only a couple of crates to hide behind. Also they would have to be headshot only.
You can remove that waypoint option in the same place as the camo option.This means you'd need constant communication to know who the zombie is...just dont give him a sword it makes it too obvious and if hes able to get close its a retardedly easy kill
I am going to give everyone either sword, hammer, or shotgun, (it depends on what it the shortest range). SO in the game, you can either stay by yourself, or you can TRY to team up with other people and hope that the person you get close to isn't the zombie. Once you find out if it is, it will be too late...