Okay, so at the moment I'm currently making a BTB map, and in one section of my map I want to create this thin sort of bridge, but I can't seem to make a nice one, I originally meant to use walls, curved, but this didn't really work, so yeah, thoughts? EDIT: well, I don't know, I loaded them up on photo-bucket but FH still doesn't want to load them, at least for me. So yeah... Well, Here's my library, it'll have to do.
Oh no, I can extract them, in fact I have, and I've uploaded them, they just don't seem to show up in the post :/
There's nothing wrong with that thin bridge as long as there is more routes. That bridge provides cover from the sides but very vulnerable from the front or rare since it's such a long linear route to take.
images are still broken, use this format: [noparse][/noparse] make sure you link the image, and not the hosting window
Suggestions: Brace, Large Small platform Ys That ravine-specific walkway If you want a smoother curve (and you have a decent number of blocks left) you could try 2x1 Flats or 1x1 Tall&Thins as they're narrower and have rounded edges.
Indeed, It was mostly and aesthetic question but that does bring up a good point, I imagine it being a sort of important point so that it's worth going there, maybe a point for KOTH, or maybe a Power Weapon spawns there, I'm not sure, as for alternate routs there is a platform below it which you could jump down on to in the case of an emergency. I don't really see what other additional routes I could add. As for why i created the second thread, it because I didn't realise people had replied here and so I created another thread with a better title so that it might draw more help. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks a bunch, I'll try those out, I actually really like using the 2x2 ramps as they also add a nice aesthetic line of cover on both sides, the only issue is that they're nigh on impossible to line up so that they're both smooth to walk on and look nice. D: