I want to make a good map so will you plz give me ideas for game mode and what weapons you like. If you want you can help me actually forge
try just putting cool structues in the map. you don't have to use it in the final but it is quite usefull if you need inspiration. usually for a first map try to go with free for all slayer. that way you have to think less about equal bases and more about a nice flowing design. also stick with a normal weapon set that includes plenty of BR's, some duals and a power weapon. if that doesn't help have a look at some of the featured maps. do a forge through and get some inspiration.
Well since you don't give me anything, I'll tell you what I would like to see. I think you could make an asymmetrical map that is balanced. You should utilize walkways to bring you location to location, like Guardian. I want to see it flow well. You should almost always use ramps unless it brings you to an advantage. Make sure everything has a purpose everything fits. The thing I would like to see most is a place you can hold down. An example would be The sniper tower on Guardian or the Lobby on construct. This is called a Point Of Interest (POI). Look here for more info on POIs and other things. Good luck.
Thank you to both of you i was thinking of slayer and i always liked walkways if i make this map I'll post it I was aiming for 1 building with some catwalks of them to lead to a sword i will never put a AR on the map because they are worthless BR's all the way
I agree about the AR, though it'd be fine for a couple in there. Do not go BR crazy, though. Take a look at thesilencebroken's guide. He saw to put 6 BRs at MAX.