i wanna hear ideas for maps that are not forgable using things like large spaces water switches etc... my idea involes a 2 base map but between the two bases isnt ground but a large lake shallow enough for vehicles but deep enough to crouch and be completly submerged, i want the water to take up a good bit of the map and maybe tunnels from the base that go really deep into the lake
Water World 2 look for it it's kinda like what youre saying, but no bases and i don't know where elese you could do a map like this, besides maybe last resort...
i want one like cloud city or the death star or one thats like a old siege with to massive walls and turrets covering them :squirrel_rocking:
oh that sounds cool maybe like hoth or some other extremely large snow map the size of santrap but snow and different layout from sandtrap it could also use the elephants
I want to see one like the middle of Tsavo Highway.. You know, when the phantom comes and drops off all of those guys, and comes again to do the same thing? There is a Chieftan with a Fuel Rod Gun or two there i believe...
oh that would be awsome, would it have that little meadow in the back or just the high way i had another idea for a map, it would be medium sized level but it would be at night so you could make use of headlights on vehicles and also it would be perfect for ambushes and infections games
what would be nice is a mansion like the one from diaz in vice city or scarface a oil rig in the middle of the ocean with foundry objects a ship like the pillar and a flag ship side to side blasting eachother with ships flying everywhere like starwars battlefront 2 and hoth could probably be made on halo by replacing at at's with scarabs and the flying ships with flying dumpsters im just running off
:squirrel_eyebrow:lol jk jk or i could combine all my ideas and make a large snow level at night time with elephants and a giant lake in the middle
i thnk there should be a map on a ship, and theres a platform u can jump to and theres a tube from the platform to an underwater base.
These are all awesome ideas. I like the idea of the large snow level... God would that be an awesome map. I can't ever really think of a time when the vehicle's head-lights were used, so this would give us a chance to use them. Only one problem with that idea, though. If it is dark out, how would you see to use Forge? They would need to make it that you can change it from day to night under a different setting.
i really want something set in a part of tokyo like harajuku im so tired of broken african buildings -_-''