Yes, Modern Warfare 3. It's inevitable, face it. Anyway, I just had a few ideas I thought would be sweet to include in it. Equipment -Repelling Cable Pretty self-explanitory, but I'll go into some detail: Basically a cable that you hook up to a ladge, bar, etc. and repel down. Similar to the ones in the final missions of MW2 where you repel down and knife the gaurds. Unlocked at Lvl 18. -Gas Mask Mask that protects you from tear gas, but limits vision. Unlocked at Lvl 59. (See: Tear Gas Grenade.) Special Grenades -Tear Gas x1 (aka 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) Like a smoke grenade, only makes enemy players' screens slowly start to fade to black (or friendlies in hardcore) and eventually blinds them completely them if they are dumb enough to stand in them for an extremely long time. The effect wears of after a while, but the player will most likely be dead by then... Unlocked at Lvl 60. Feel free to post your own!
-breaching charge blows holes in walls, can be used to kill campers hiding directly in front of the wall you are breaching -doubled mags clips your magazines into sets of two enabling 3x reload speed every other reload -incindiary grenade like a frag but has a slightly larger kill range, but no under 9000 area of effect -chainmail takes two knifes to kill you, slightly slower move speed