Ideas for DLC ForgeWorld Maps.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FerdyNess, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. FerdyNess

    FerdyNess Forerunner
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    Whasup everybody? I'm new at forge hub, but I check out the website every now and then. I am an avid map maker in any game, and have growing experience in editors far more complex then simple ol' forge. It would seem as though some-one use to full map editors would look down on forge, but I love it.

    It's simple, and fun and easy to use. I made a lot of maps back in halo 3 (via odst when I got xbox last year before december) I loved sandbox, foundry...not so much. I made a lot of fun maps, and game-modes that my friends love (not sure if I will post any here) I could do that ghost merging crap, but never really used it.

    Anyway I had a great time forging on sandbox, especially with no guardians. Now in my opinion forge world is great. However I agree with others that more forge maps will be needed while forge-world has it all, I would like more solid land for building space, and I would also like some different environments.

    Without further ado let's let the ideas stack up! What kind of new Forge-World maps do you guys want, do your best to describe it please here are my ideas...

    Plains-A place, much like the middle level of sandbox, however it would be on Reach, with those scraggy plains you see all the time. There would be no crypt, and you can build in the sky via grids.

    The map could be bigger then sandbox, and some features in the map might be as follows;
    -A small array of caves on one boundary of the map.
    -A lake.
    -lot's of open building land, with some hills here and there.

    Some new forging objects would be as follows;
    -Reach, covenant and UNSC props and set pieces(walls, buildings, etc.)
    -trees (I hope :D )
    -More rocks and larger you can essentially make a lot of cliffs which could effectively allow you to divide the large plains into smaller playing spaces for you to make your level in.
    -A lot of nature stuff.
    -Civilian Stuff

    Glacial-A massive subterranean glacier cave a lot like, you guessed it, the map glacier. There would also be above ground tundra area like on Swordbase (campaign)

    -Massive Cave underground
    Those were both duh's
    -Some ice cool ice caves.
    -Some cool normal caves above ground.
    Well I don't really have to describe this to you guys...if you just think Swordbase and Glacier except completely nature and no evidence of occupation, then basically this is the map.

    Forging Objects;
    -Some cool ice rocks, and giant icicles and stuff would be cool.
    -Nature stuff
    -Special ice things, that you can slip on or something, that would be cool for ice skating grifball haha!!!!
    -Inflatable Penguin toys.
    -Civilian Stuff

    Forest-This could be like plains, except with a bunch of trees, some hills, cliffs, waterfalls, and rivers. The ability to place your own trees would be nice. There would be some areas with trees and other there are clear that allow for good building. There could also be an island at the mouth of the river.

    Already said that basically...

    Forge objects;
    -Reach stuff
    -Civilian Stuff
    -Cool stuff

    Well thats I'll I have for now. I think that we can agree these are good ideas.

    I think we can agree even more that civilian vehicles, buildings, trees, and all that stuff would be great for making maps that look less forge...and more natural...or lived in. Just enough to get the job done without a full editor :D

    What are your ideas?
  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Human City:

    -Skyscrapers, with about 4-5 stories to Forge on. (About 4; in a square formation. (See territories gametype logo for idea))
    -Parking Garage undergound connecting all buildings.
    -Beautiful, undestroyed, civilian streets.
    -Small Military Base Outposts on all ends of streets.

    Forging Objects:

    -Human bridges, doors, boxes, etc.
    -A few covenant items
    -Military things (Enforced bridges,enforced doors, etc)

    You KNOW you want it.
  3. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    You know. I was thinking pretty much the same thing. I know Forge World is the big thing, but it is only one map. What if they made more maps like forge world. That would be sweet. Especially if the bring back some classic halo 3 maps to forge world. Hopefully they will bring back the one map that was forged on the most. Sandbox. Or at least make something like it. I would be tickled to death if I saw that. Plus the part about buildings and stuff like that. That would be cool. In the Halo games you never go in the building beyond the specific area. I wish you could go beyond. I think they should add trees and stuff like that. In Forge World I think buildings are a little overboard, but the trees and rocks will do!
  4. FerdyNess

    FerdyNess Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree a city, and a sandbox remake are good ideas.
  5. Jerrod H

    Jerrod H Forerunner

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    City would be very sweet.

    water (a way to place water at least knee or waist deep would be epic)
    Roads or way to lay roads
    Larger buildings/rocks/walls/etc. to build boundaries
    'damaged' thing's blown up buildings/decor/vehicles

    The ability to change the color or different colored buildings would really make forge levels standout from each other. (i know you can change the 'fine details' but it really needs to be the entire building/wall)
  6. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There's no point in making a city. Just make an urban styled map in forge world, what's the point if there are already buildings made for you?

    And sandbox sucked balls.

    As for a new map, I would love an icy cave with a similar pallet of forerunner objects and icy stalagmites and such. Though I would enjoy a new set of objects with a really new theme... for that, I don't know.
  7. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    My wish list for Forge DLC environments:

    Desert Canyon

    High Charity

    Human Urban Area

    Arctic Ice Shelf

    Human Space Station (Inside and Outside Areas) or just out in space where you can build a station from scratch

    Swamp or Jungle

    Cliff Faces (facing each other on opposite sides of a deep crevasse with some ledges and caves built in)
  8. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    All I want is a large flat space with changeable textures. That way everyone can have exactly what they want. snow,sand,grass whatever! the map its self is so easy to make its painful (seriously the sc2 editor gives me that when I press new map)

    I don't even need the changeable textures just a giant, open area where I can forge.
  9. Roundaround

    Roundaround Ancient
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    That'd be pretty sweet. Especially if they gave the ability to define high and low gravity (probably with zones similar to safe/kill zones).
  10. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    It would also be awesome if they allowed us to use sabres in a space map too. They would have to be edited to not be as powerful as they are in campaign though.
  11. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    Space Battles!

    In Star Wars: Battlefront they had space battles where you could fight indoors in the hangar and surrounding areas of both sides' ships and fly in between - the ability to do this in Halo would be awesome.
  12. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    Off topic, I may or may not be already recreating that in forgeworld ^-^
    BTW: this thread has already been done before, it had a poll too. I'll find a link to it....
    Edit: Ok found it, heres the link:
    #12 Em0srawk, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  13. FerdyNess

    FerdyNess Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    All these are good ideas...a desert canyon would be great.

    Bungie had multi-player space combat in the game, but they cut it :(

    Forge could work on a space map though if they put MP space combat back in for DLC. You just use fix and phased to place asteroids and space junk. Then you just make spawn points or do whatever that the space game-mode needs and then your good to go.
  14. pitythefool

    pitythefool Forerunner

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    What I'd like most is a map thats like a huge foundry. But it would have lots more movable items than forgeworld and the roof would be removable, It would be sorta ODST New Mombasa Themed and would be awesome for infection maps with lots of switches in other words my favour kind of map.

    And a giant covenant space ship with a whole covenant themed pallette. It would have a giant space in center similia to that in the deliver hope trailer. And a big bit outside in space with space banshees pelicans phantoms and underpowered sabres.
  15. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    I would absolutely love a space themed map, perhaps even the ability to spawn in the space fighters for multiplayer use or something. But more importantly, give us covanent themed items and special "Gravity" zones, so that when a player enters, they're subject to normal gravity.
  16. FerdyNess

    FerdyNess Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah Gravity zones would be cool.

    I think if Bungie made a space invasion mode where spartans started out in a small space station, took off in sabres, then tried to board the covenant ship...
    (phase 1)Control Hanger
    (phase 2)Go somewhere (lol)
    (phase 3)Hijack ship or plant a bomb.
  17. Crock

    Crock Ancient
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    All I really want for a DLC is some extra stuff (more teleporters, more grav lifts, and so forth), and being able to pilot Pelicans and Phantoms.
  18. SUMproductions

    SUMproductions Forerunner

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    I dont mind having one map, but space combat does sound cool (at the moment there are ways to do this with some imagination). However unsc and coveant items are a must, and so are changeable textures, i would also like automatic doors and switches and a passengear seat on the falcon for bomb carrier, also underwarter should be swimmable
  19. Reklats

    Reklats Ancient
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    What I really want the most is a forge map like foundry in the sense that with out objects its an empty building. But I would want a pallet and objects like The pit with the color change feature changing what was yellow into any chosen color. We could remake the pit in a Red color, orange color, green or even a black color...that would be sweet. And thats just with remaking the pit there could be all kinds of facilites built there from the items, and then have the options of voice effects like the pit announcer. And you could place this on a Air strip like the original except that area would be usuable if wanted.

    I would also love none assault veichles like the cars in campaign, much better to race in than a hog.
  20. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    Well TBH if Bungie made another forge world then I would have to say a snowy map where the main middele map would be sidewinder ( NOT AVALANCHE) and there would be a giant cave and just because I like the next map it would have to be Boarding Action in there some how

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