Ideas for a new halo game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chaos Z999, Jan 2, 2011.

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  1. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    I love you. Pathways 4ever
  2. Wisky

    Wisky Ancient
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    I have a idea I call Echo it's kinda like ODST but major changes takes place during and after the Fall of Reach the game starts around the inside destroyed and burning building. The scene focuses on this pile of rubble then it starts to move and then out pops a beat up and damaged green armored figure with a crack visor and dented helmet with the faded white bolded numbers 137 on the damage green armor chest. Before the Spartan puts her hand to her side and starts walking out of the burning building to the outside. She has a flash back in her head of Chief Mendez telling them in training the best thing about pain it lets you know your not dead yet. She's badly hurt life at red shields off line. Barely able to move but slowly makes her way out along the way we see this assault rifle on the ground and you hear Colonel Holland voice saying, "Echo One report in what is your location. Over."

    would you like to hear more?
    #22 Wisky, Sep 7, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I can easily seen this been a rage thread about Halo 4.... Leave that for anther thread.

    I actually emailed Bungie years ago when i wanted to get into game development asking if I could use halo characters in specific game idea I had they said I could use them was awesome(but it was to hard to make a simple FPS so i gave up) probably doesn't count anymore now.

    But least I have the idea if 343 ever wants to know it ;)

    Basicly i agree Halo is pretty much at peak of what it can be aside from few gimmicks/tweaks/patchs pretty much how COD going on. But it sells so cant complain, My idea kinda like Halo wars but for different genre. Maybe its just because I'm a massive halo nerd.
  4. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    What he said.

    Halo had its time, and it was glorious. Continuation of the series, milking it for every penny and so on tarnishes the series, and its legacy. I'd rather see something new.

    That doesn't mean the (console or AAA) arena shooter has to die. Someone else can take up the mantle. The torch must be passed on.

    Otherwise, we'll find ourselves looking back with 'Halo 7: ODST Ops' waiting for M$ to kill it off as it dies a slow and painful death. Look at CoD; people predict it has reached a peak and has begun to fall.

    I'd rather not have to watch that happen to Halo. I think Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes) did it right: End the series when you know you've hit the peak. That way, everyone looks back fondly and the series doesn't kill itself slowly. The maker keeps the reputation and legacy and moves on.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This would contradict everything in the Halo universe already present...

    If the Elites were divided and fought for the UNSC and Covenant, then the zealous Elites would be fighting for the Covenant, correct? And due to their inheritance, and ways of fighting, the Elites would never act as spies. Their whole combat experience is to fight with honour and to the death with the enemy. A retreat from combat is often punishable by death and it scars the Elites bloodline, not just the Elite itself.

    With Spartan IVs already on Infinity (and we don't know the storyline there yet), the likelihood of them being separated from the location of where Halo 4 takes place, and where your storyline would take place wouldn't be too great (and it's likely that since S;IVs are announced in Halo 4 and already a secret, the storyline is possibly going to say all S;IVs are on the Infinity, not scattered throughout the galaxy).

    Furthermore, Master Chief has already been located... and he is fighting in Halo 4.

    EDIT: I've just seen this thread is from January 2011 -_-
    And that strikes me as odd as how the information you posted seems quite relevant to Halo 4 (I don't know what information was available on H4 nearly 2 years ago...)
    Albeit, contradictory in terms of the Halo universe, the very basic idea seems pretty accurate with the involvement of S;IVs and stuff.
    #25 Stevo, Sep 8, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2012
  6. Wisky

    Wisky Ancient
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    Well Echo a side story plus 137 aka the Captain was a Spartan and important to stop the Covenant efforts on Reach...the first flash back mission Echo Team heading for a isolated UNSCDF research complex were one of the members of Halsey research team members across Reach was located. After Noble spotted signs of Covenant on Reach and UNSC Command lost contact with this base better to take no chances...Echo team orders are to secure and pacify the faculty of any Covenant. Light weapons only one stray bullet kiss their behinds good by. First mission recon the facility, second determine the Covenant presence and prevent them from getting their hands on it.
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    You should be banned for necrobumping a pointless topic
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    its funny because H4 is looking pretty stupid so far.
  9. BasedGod of Grunge

    BasedGod of Grunge Halo Reach Era
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  10. Wisky

    Wisky Ancient
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    Sorry I thought this was a idea for a Halo game didn't mean to be. :(
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