I just wanted to bounce some of my ideas for maps off people, -Building on its side, fell down -A harbor with dock and boat -Nature ideas -Cliffside -Caverns with an entrance -2v2 map with spires and twisty...(can't explain it) -more 2v2 maps I don't know, tell me if you want to help me, I'm up with making new friends or just forging with different people.
I should be able to help but I just have to ask Stin 10 when we're going to start his map. But if I have time and you still need help I'll help.
Well I could help you bring these idea to life if you want... Some of them are really odd, while other like the collapsed building sound like they have some really good potential... GT- I Evil Bunny I
As you add more ideas this could become a popular thread. I think I'll use a dthe doubles map ideas they seem very cool!
What if I made a 2v2 map on a cliffside, with which had spires and was twisty, and a fallen building next to it, and a cavern behind the cliffside with an entrance of course. OH, and off of the cliff was a harbor. And of course there would have to be trees and a river flowing through the level with fishys. Maybe I could split the map up so it was a 2v2v2v2v2v2 map also? Hey it'd work. Thanks for the ideas. I'll get started right away.
I would definately help with the boat/dock idea.Whats your GT?Or just add me its the same as my username.Can't wait =)
I'd help with any of those ideas, but not until the weekend. The caverns idea looks like it'd be the most fun to create, along with the boat/dock. My GT: bulldogs10