Idea: Tagged

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by H3C x Nevz, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    T A G G E D
    Isolation & KotH Variant​

    This is a Hybrid Game (See for definition post), which means it is competitive and has the same goal as default KotH, but employs different tactics.

    Basically, only the upper half of Isolation is used. Nothing is blocked, but you gain nothing from going underground, so it'll be used sparingly. The tactics are simple: run and gun, use brute force, and control the hill as a team. It uses a very-much-loved starting weapon combination of mine: BR and plasma pistol. Teams can use grav lifts to go up on top of the pillars in front of their base, where they have two machine gun turrets. They also have access to one stationery warthog for gunning. No equipment, no other weapons, infinite ammo. One point per second of uncontested hill time, first to 150 or a 7 minute time limit. The hill is in top mid and does not move for the duration of the game.

    What I expect out of this combo: a fun game for larger parties, and another fun Pre-DLC gem for my portfolio.
    Current status: map and gametype finished, need testing.
    Party size: 8 to 16.


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