Idea: Olympics map, with each event having its own Gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hippie Gamer, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    Here's my idea, make Olympic events all in one Map, and create separate gameplay for each one?

    So Far:
    Track: Game Type- Oddball.. Oddball spawns above the track, after 90 seconds, a teleporter appears that teleports you ON TOP of the ball, auto pick up is on. have the spawns game specific to oddball..Sprint is enabled


    Long Jump: Gametype- Territories. Player runs and jumps off a ramp.. Territories are Columns with a Box shape labed as the territory. 1 second captures to mark where you landed. (dont know if this is possible but the farther ones are worth 1 more point than the previous one)

    Throwing: Use a golf club and a golf ball to see who can hit it the furthest...

    Hurdles- same idea as Track

    Fencing: Slayer with only swords at about 10% damage

    Shooting: Target shooting (use landmines)

    Triathlon: One flag CTF- start in water, run, and end on mongoose

    thoughts? who wants to help?

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