Forgive me if this is old news, but I've neither seen threads nor posts that pertain to this idea. The key to it is the fact that, even if you delete them and run up to the OLN again, objective points will respawn after a save and quit. Working from that principle, my idea is this (and I'm not sure if it will work or not). Once you've hit the OLN on a map and have done everything within your power to maximize the map, change the gametype to one of the objective variants (e.g. Assault, Territories, Oddball, KotH, etc.). From there, delete the default objective objects that exist by default on a map, and replace your items up to the OLN. Save, and quit. Here's where the glitch/bypass idea comes into play. When you re-open the map and go back to that gametype, the objective points should have re-spawned in their default locations. It's a big if, but with how buggy Forge is I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie overlooked it. Delete the spawned objective points again, and try placing more items. If it's works, then you can rinse and repeat until your map is completed. I'm not sure if I mentioned earlier, but this is nothing more than an idea in my head, and I can't be sure one way or the other if it works or not until either I or someone else tests it. So...has anyone else thought of this, and if so, how did it work out?
Wow, this might just work seeing as the objective items spawn anyway without you placing them. I hope you don't mind me trying this.
Or you can do what I did and just keep the spawns, weapons, vehicles, and objective points of an OLN canvas. If you just keep those, you'll hit the budget before the OLN, I've actually tested that. And of course, you can delete even more of those objects if you'd like to, but I didn't test that to see how far it would go, but I'd assume you'd be able to delete the vehicles and still have enough objects left to place something. The weapons cost less than immovable objects, so you won't run out of items there.
Very good idea - someone should test this, I'd be very curious to know the outcome. I'm working on a map now where I think OLN is going to be an issue, so this might save my butt.
Bypassing the OLN would probably have the same negative effects as budget glitching (on system performance), but I wish you the best.
I was under the impression that deleting items doesn't put them back on the OLN, so you couldn't delete the items and and be able to place more anyways. Either way, I kinda doubt it would work.
I should have made it clearer that I was talking about all maps and not just Sandbox. When you run into the OLN on any map, it tends to kill your progress--this would be an easier practical method to get around it on either Sandbox or Sandtrap (or any of the other maps). While it might tax the system more than the map was intended. And that's the big question, soccerholic. The issue is in the operand that Forge uses to test the OLN. If it's an equal sign, then we're in business. If it's a less-than-or- or a greater-than-or-equal-to sign, then we're out of luck. I'll likely test it this evening to see if it works out, and following that will post my results.
I will test this in an hour or so. However, seeing as deleted default objects do not replenish the OLN, I cannot imagine one would be able to place more objects after deleting the goal objects when the object limit is reached.