I was bored, and came up with the idea to make a Frigate, unfortunately, i wont be able to do that on my own... so here's the plan, anyone who wants to join sends me a FR. the plan requires Foundry and the invinite money glitch. so lets get forgin'
Sounds good , but it'll probably be like most other frigates out there. Why not try something different like a friagte out of Blackout? i dont think anyones tried that before but what the heck , im in
OK, were doin this on blackout. its really my first big project. i took the initiative, but i cant really take the lead of this, cuz i dont have a clue how one looks.... ^^;
Ok, im glad y'all accepted the invites. if there are other people that wannna join, please post. the idea again: A Frigate on Blackout. we some sort of blueprint for this. anyone got an idea?
Please do not double post aside from that just a tip you could use the giant area above the map to make it best of luck to you.