ok well i got bored today and i haven't been around much cause i've been really busy so uh ya heres my new fileshare pics enjoy? 50/50 Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Golden Eye Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Rainy Night Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details The Hulk Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Rate?
50/50- Really cool never seen this effect before, like how the two effects spilt the pic in half 4/5 Golden Eye- Meh don't really care much for it not that special in my opinion sorry 3/5 Rainy Night- My favorite out of this bunch, really cool looking and love the like gray looks and how the pistol on the left looks black and metallic almost. 5/5 The Hulk- Pretty cool like the green hue of the character and the backgrounds awesome too, fits the screenshot really well, 4.5/5
50/50 :4/5 not really liking the colors, love the composition. GoldenEye :4.5/5 love the golden guns, like the pose. Rainy Night :4.8/5 love the artistic flair with the dingy, almost grayish color. great contrast. The Huk :4.4/5 like the colors, and the Spartan. Spikers in his left arm? OVERALL :4.6/5 Great work, iCrankBKs.maybe we could do a few screenies together?
aaaah i remember you, your the one with the ridiculously awsome fusion pic, done with major shock right? so you couldnt tell us how to do it once again nice screenies, although i think the hulk would be cooler if the player wasnt blue....
lol thats me and he's greenish but ya i dont really like it so i took it off my file share haha ANYWAYS the one you asked about was just an effect dont remember what and hit the grave and got inside the side and it came out like that... simple but hard to explain :S
^^^^ ridiculously hard to explain, as it seems..... cuz i didnt get a single word of that >.< or maybe thats just me. ill leave the screenie making to the pros, for now, untill i find a good idea that i can use for my bungie card =P