Sandbox Ichneumon Maxi

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MattKestrel, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Ichneumon is a remix of my first proper map, Wasp's Nest, which centered around Ghosts dodging in and out of big structures, whilst players were able to navigate higher on foot. However, it was way too cramped for flowy gameplay, so I decided to spread the original idea out and turn it into a BTB map. At the moment, it's best suited to 4-8 player ffas, although this is subject to change with the next iteration. BTB also works well if you can put up with some spawning issues.


    As you could have guessed, Ichneumon remains a largely symmetrical map, with a few assymetric flaws to help add variety to each team. After testing, I've found that the map works better with smaller games than big ones, with ffas remaining as balanced as team games. Whilst it was designed with symmetric gametypes in mind, the flaws in each side help to make attacking and defending bases more distinguishable.

    To summarise, both teams get access to Ghosts, Snipers and Rockets straight away. They can use these to control the three straight lines of sight down the middle of the map, whilst other players can weave around and use the grav lifts to outmanoeuvre enemies attempting the same. As they fight over the Spartan Laser and overshield, air support in the form of Banshees will drop in a few minutes into the game, which you can use to wreak havok depending on your map control. Whilst the bases are fairly open to aerial attack, the middle area is much more protected from air raids, and will become more fiercely contested as the game goes on. Here's a weapons/equipment/shopping list for a general overview, I'll include specific locations later.

    Weapon ----> Respawn Time ----> Clips

    10 x BR - 10 seconds - 2 clips (sym)
    3 x Carbines - 30 seconds - 2 clips (2 sym, 1 asym)
    2 x Plasma Rifles - 30 seconds (asym)
    2 x Machine Gun Turrets - 60 seconds (sym)
    2 x Needlers - 60 seconds - 2 clips (sym)
    2 x Brute Shots - 60 seconds - 2 clips (sym)
    2 x Shotguns - 90 seconds - 2 clips (sym)
    2 x Rocket Launchers - 120 seconds - 1 clip (sym)
    2 x Sniper Rifles - 120 seconds - 2 clips (sym)
    1 x Spartan Laser - 150 seconds (asym)

    Equipment ----> Respawn Time

    8 x Plasma Grenades - 30 seconds (sym)
    4 x Spike Grenades - 60 seconds (sym)
    4 x Grav Lifts - 60 seconds (sym)
    2 x Bubble Shields - 90 seconds (sym)
    1 x Overshield - 120 seconds (asym)

    Vehicles ----> Respawn Time

    2 x Ghosts - 90 seconds (sym)
    2 x Banshees - 150 seconds (sym, no start)

    If you can't be bothered to read further...


    Otherwise, here's a tour around the map, marking weapon locations, jump ups and such. Since the weapon layouts are the same at each base (unless otherwise stated), I'll only provide weapon positions for one team.


    Here's just a general overview of what you'll find at each base. I left the spawns on for reference; because most of them are tucked away, it's surprisingly hard to spawn camp with a banshee without facing the other end of a rocket/grenade/brute shot. Plnety of cover from poeple to duck into, despite the lack of a roof. Banshee and Rockets are on the right hand side, whilst the Ghost and Sniper are to the left. The objective stands on top of a double block with ramps leading up, which makes it a challenging site to attack during assault and ctf games. Thankfully, the ramps on each side provide access for a skilled Ghost pilot, amongst other routes...


    It's also worth noting that the shotgun spawns directly beneath the flag, on the floor below the block, and you can pick up a carbine on the way to the flag, bomb. The symmetrical bomb spawns are also located next to the shotgun spawns.


    To the left of your initial spawn, you'll find the aforementioned Ghost and Sniper Rifle. It's worth noting that there's a ramp directly in front of the ghost, which can use either as a ramp for getting your Ghost into the middle quickly, or as a perch to snipe people rushing for Rockets with. There's also an obelisk for cover from marauding Ghosts and Banshees.


    There's also an alley down the side of the map at this point, with a Brute Shot and some Spike Grenades, which can help to cut down enemy vehicles. You can also take the sniper down here and get straight to the middle without risk of attack. Whilst the blues get access to the plasma rifles and neutral objective from here...


    ... the reds get access to the central carbine pillar, and have more cover from this side of the map, due to the geometry.


    And before you say, yes, I know that the map is off-center slightly. Whilst I'd like to say this is intentional... it isn't. I'm just a moron :p I'll address this with the V2 later.

    On the right hand half of each base, you get the banshee and rockets. The banshee's location is fairly obvious by the massive great gap, so I'll just show the rockets. As you can see, the location is fairly open, so once you've got the goods, don't hang around for too long. Make a push across the middle or head back to base. You can also access a grav lift and two plasma nades by going up a ramp just obscured by that pesky column. Use the grav lift to make access to the top middle easier for your team.


    This area is much smaller for blue team than red's, and as such it provides a weak spot for attackers to penetrate the defender's, erm, defenses. However, they get some obelisks to hide behind to compensate, so be warned.

    The other grav lift can be found on the sniper perch above the ramp, which I guess I should have mentioned. The needler's here also, and is an excellent weapon to help defend the three lines of sight with, provided you can get close.


    Oh, and each base also gets a bubble shield, which spawns just... here. Let me know if I'm adding too many anti vehicle measures.



    Alright, who's still with me? Let's go! It's a long trek, but it'll be worth it. I've talked a lot about the bases, but the real centrepiece of the map is the middle, oddly enough. Here's some overviews of the top section. It's all hollow underneath the pillars, so have fun exploring both levels.



    I really couldn't escape the rewards for complex jumps that you found in the original Waps Nest, so I kept that element here, by providing jump ups for quick access to the middle, piers, turrets, etc. To avoid any confusion before we move onto this, however, I'll tell you that the laser's in the direct centre of the map. Have fun!


    Right, the main difference between each team's geometry is the jump ups, and how these affect cover and moving around. While each team gets a liberal amount of grav lifts to help them, if you don't have any at hand, then you can use these to get the jump on your opponent. EH?! I really can't be bothered to explain each jump, so I'll just title them.


    NOTE: To access Red Turret, just jump off of Red pier. It's not collapsed, so make the most of it. Also, you can hide under it during oddball games. Just sayin'. No screenshot.



    That's about it. I couldn't post any more walkthrough if I had fingers of steel. o_O However, I will provide some action screenshots! Here's a brief reminder...







    Thanks for reading this far. Let me know if I should change anything for the V2, I'm going to tweak it to be more applicable to ffa and multi team, have easier access to the top via geometry, and move it back into the center. I'm looking forward to some good criticism on this, and I hope you're now looking forward to a good custom map.
    #1 MattKestrel, Mar 30, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2010
  2. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Lol Brute shot and stuff, those are spike greandes. The jumping areas are a great help for flag runners. Hmm it looks like the overshield is closer to 1 base... doesnt seem fair. Unless the other team has something else.. like a rocket or something.
  3. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The overshields are fine; they're placed directly above the laser in the middle of the map. The screenshot just gives a false impression :/

    Anyways, I've decided to remake this with different, more accessible structures. What aspects would you want to change from this map? Like the geometry, or the weapon layouts? I'm also going to work on a more concise post :p
  4. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Looks fun to play but some parts seem a bit plain without anything original going on. For example the flag spawn in the third picture is just a double box with two ramps going up to it.
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Too... many... words... garr

    I'll be downloading when I get home from vacation. I really like how the upper middle looks, and the general layout looks great, can't wait to play.
  6. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    'ey, Psychoduck! Good to see you again. I'll work on making my posts a little more concise, or at least having a summary at the beginning. I'm sure I can cut out some of the walkthrough stuff.

    Thanks for the criticism so far, I'm aware that the bases are, well, "minimal" :p This was to make sure that controlling the middle ground was the main aspect of the game. Really I just wanted the bases to be a safe place to spawn and get some weapons. Perhaps I should balance the middle and bases more in a redraft?
  7. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll take a look tomorrow and see if I can find any complaints. I like how there's only Covenant vehicles (even though I prefer UNSC vehicles) it's more unique, we should get a game going on here sometime, not enough of my friends play Halo for me to get a good BTB game going.

    Looking forward to checking it out
  8. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    I know, same (on the friends front) I have three which might help, but they've played 2v2s with me on it so many times... if we could get a big testign session going that would be ideal. I tried running it throught the testers guild but everyone was too busy testing Art Vandelay -_-
  9. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
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    Everything seems to be here except aesthetics. If you have any more money I would add some aesthetic touches that make the map stand out and say DOWNLOAD ME! Other than that a well balanced map.
  10. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, after playing this for about five seconds before my internet failed, and taking an extensive look around in Forge, I must say I'm impressed. The little of the map that I got to actually play was quite fun and from looking around in Forge it looks like the rest of the map will be quite fun as well. The weapons an spawns all look good. The only problem I can see is the wood bridges in the center, one works like a ramp up to the center, while the other doesn't, giving one team easier access to the center (unless I missed something?) But it is good that you added some assymetric touches to a symmetrical map. Other than that, everything looks great. The map could use a few aesthetic touches, but it isn't really necesarry. The destroyed parts of the map look very good. Overall, great job.
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Haha, you should have seen this map when I previewed it. It was literally just double blocks and huge blocks :p I added a few little changes, but I wanted to keep it minimal so that the aesthetics didn't encroach on the gameplay, and to keep everything refined. I think that the dynamic nature of the middle of the map is much more of an aesthetic pull than any flowery details.

    Also, ducky, I'll send you the film clip of that game you missed out on, 6 player ffa slayer. I'll also put up some action screenshots when I get some time tomorrow.
  12. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
    Senior Member

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    LOL I see your point but consider this aesthetic structures can be used to help gameplay as well such as for cover or as a bridge and also a line of sight blocker.
  13. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Ah, i see what you mean now. Whilst the middle's supposed to be clear so that vehicles can get through (and for some long range sniper battles) the pillars holding up the centre structure provide plenty of cover in that area, so i don't really want to change that. Do you think i should add more debris outside of the map? I could make some more cool structures, and people/weapons could spawn there.
  14. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I like the map. It was a (lol) good post, and a good map, too. I like your style, the map is condensed but faraway, it's close quarters yet large, it makes use of vehicles and elevation. Bravo and a dl from me, my friend.
  15. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    1. everythings wayyyyyyy too high off the ground.
    2. layout is lacking
    3. no aesthetic structures
    4. no amazing geomerges to make the map stand out
    5. has this map even been tested? if so, where are the action pics?

  16. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your mum was too high off the ground last night. ;) LAWLOLOLAWLOL

    Anyways, here's teh action pics.









  17. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Haha, I really don't think he was being serious Lambo, but thanks anyways. I spent about an hour trying to merge those columns into the double blocks just right, so yeah, plenty of time spent on merging. :p

    EDIT: Ahahahhahaa, I actually lolled at those images! I just assumed you got the formatting wrong at first, but then I was pleasantly surprised :p
    #18 MattKestrel, Apr 7, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2010

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