Tell me what you think of my screenshot at the bottom Ice Ice Baby link to my file share - : Stats Sign Up
That's an interesting effect, and I've never really seen it executed like that before. Mind sharing the effect? It's awesome. Great screenshot; keep making more.
It's just a gravity hammer blast, with what I believe is Juicy on. I've seen quite a few shots like this. It's not too unique, honestly, but I still like the way it looks. The shot's just kind of meh for me, though. Nothing great.
I don't really like it, you can barely see master cheif and I can't tell what is supposed to be going on in the background.
Its not MC... And theres nothing in the bacround..... Nice shot tho man.. i like the top left were it's just blue.
Well see thats the thing, I cant tell if it is background scenery or actualy part of the spartan. All I can see is his head and then I can't tell the rest of the body parts apart.
i like it, buut its just meh. if the top left wasn't boxed it would be harder to tell it was a grav hammer also.