Iambic Iambic is my next map and it has been built in the Crypt. It is asymmetrical and it takes up about half of the Crypt. The map was inspired a lot by Chromatic by bob43, in the sense that the map is based an multiple atriums, but you will see that I have made an completely different map. I am definitely going to make this map to have an MLG weapon set, but I am not sure if I should make a normal competitive version (see poll). The map geometry is finished, I still have to place spawns and weapons. Here's some pictures of the map to give you a feel for what it looks like. Old Pictures: Spoiler Overview Half-Octagon Room Top Red (Bottom Red below. There is a lift to the right of the picture) Tin Cup Area Looking from Tin Cup Area to Top Red Blue Room 2 UPDATE Tell me what you think. I'll be looking to test sometime this weekend once I finish spawns and weapons. Don't forget to vote in the poll!
What are you? Cosmic Rick? You're like making a new map like every week. <3 It looks nice. If you see me on, I'll come test for sure
This looks pretty 1337. You should make a normal competetive version and an MLG version(and a Covie version), because to me this looks good for both MLG and standard competetive gametypes. I foresee some great King of the Hill games on here. Hit me up with an invite when you're ready to test.
I have finished setting the map up with weapons and spawns and I have run a few games on it. I have set it up for TS, Ball, CTF, and KOTH. There is 1 Sniper, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Active Camo, and 2 Maulers. I'll be testing later today. I'll make sure to invite you guys above and anyone else that would like to.
Hey, this map was really good. KotH I wasn't too fond of, but maybe that's just because we got rocked. The layout I found was pretty confusing the first time around, but it kept it interesting for the following games. Good map, so far at least.
Update Download I haven't showed you much of the map in a while. It's been playable for a while now. A lot of changes have been made. There is a Rocket Launcher, Sniper, Camo, a 2 Maulers. It supports MLG CTF, TS, King, and Ball.
When will it finish? In the second pic, I feel it's better if the pit would be larger. In the third pic, I really like that design. I absolutely adore MLG FFA maps, so this one is an instant download when it gets posted. Can't wait.
How does the map relate to a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables that can be found in forms of literature? If nothing, change the ****ing name. I hate it when people use an obscure word as a map name so they can hold a facade of modernism/intelligence, it's not cool and i don't remember when it ever was. Please make map names have even the slightest bit of relevance to the map.
Wow man, this looks really epic. I love the lighting. The rooms and the layout looks like it would be a lot of fun to play. I can't wait for the finished product. I will DL for sure!
Because your 4 level mlg map "saviour" had alot to do with... "a person who rescues another person or a thing from danger or harm"...lol SOURCE
Nice job on that because it actually did. The idea was i wanted multiple different levels allowing for a high number of lines of sight which would increase the amount of crossfire around the map. This would increase the chances of you being able to be saved from almost anywhere in the map by a SAVIOUR.
lol... i use google for my map names, I take whats physical about my map and google it, and find certain definitions.. I.e. my map Sentinal, i chose it because the best strategy is to protect your gauss cannon. Protecting relates to guarding, someone who guards is a guardian, a guardian is often referred to as a Sentinal. Galilean, is a multi team map, it has four branches off a centre room. Its main thing about this map is the number 4. when googled i found a lot of this relating to 4. Like Jupiters (i think) 4th moon is called galilean. I picked that because the sandbox canvas is somewhere in space. Like Jupiters 4th moon lol. You can pretty much link any name to any map
So esentially you could name your map anything because there could be a connection some how... Your contradicting yourself