I will remake your map if you'd like.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TexasTuckers, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. TexasTuckers

    TexasTuckers Ancient
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    Okay here is the deal. Of course I will have my own maps that I will be creating in Reach but I wanted to do a service for those of you that don't want to waste time remaking your old maps. I know many of you would rather spend time on your new ideas so my service could come to great use for you.

    The reason I am doing this is because I know making something that you have already made can be boring sometimes although it can be realy fun as well. Since it will be new to me it will be really fun!

    Here's how I will do this. You just need to post your gamertag in a comment for now and when Reach is released I will send you a message on XBL so that you can show me the map you want remade in Reach. I will tell you if I am willing to remake the map or not (because I honestly don't want to remake something that no one will play). Once I am done with the map, I will have the original creator (you) to review my recreation and tell me if you would like anything changed.

    I will be sure to write in the description, "This is a (your name here) Halo 3 creation recreated by TexasTuckers". The reason for this is because this is your imagination and you deserve the credit that is due, but I include my name at the end because I dont want to be thrown under the bus after taking my time to recreated for you.

    Once again this is just a kind service I am doing for people because I find Forge really fun and enjoy seeing other peoples creations. This was mainly made in mind of those maps that people made in Halo 3 that were decent but the creator felt they didnt want to spend time remaking in Reach.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who accepts my service!

    Peace, love, applesauce!

    P.S. Don't think just because I dont have a lot of posts and am not ranked high on this site that my Forging skills are crappy. I have been on this site for over 2 years now, (as you can see on the left) and i just dont make a whole lot of posts. I still Forge very well. If my skill in Forge is your concern, don't worry because when Reach comes out I wil make an original map of my own and it will be what i use to display my talents to my clients (lol, i say it like this is a job or something haha). Anyways just let me know what you think of this idea even if you're not interested in my offer. Thanks!
    #1 TexasTuckers, Aug 25, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010

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