I was on Xbox.com!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shihuru, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Well, I remember making a thread about Xbox.com's "Play the Pros" nights. Which was With Carolina Core's Offbeat Ninja and Mystik, in Soul Calibur 4. They were really great people, not stuck up snobs. I wasn't able to play Mystik, but i did play Offbeat Ninja twice, nearly beat him twice too. After the night, the 2 pros asked everyone who played against them to send an E-mail to xbox.com about the game. I sent mines. I just now went to xbox.com typed my name in and a search result came up, when i clicked the link it was about that "Play the Pros" night. Check out what went down that night, and you can see what they have about me at the very bottom of the page, lol. Here's the Link: "Play the Pros"
    Psycho likes this.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    it means quit being a jerk

    Nice Find^x2
  3. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    gtfo now! You want a cookie for getting 5 words typed about you by some "pro"? you're pathetic.

    (sorry to be so harsh; you need a slap across the face)
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    WTF are you talking about you asshole. I was just excited about seeing my GT on Xbox.com. Your just jealous because you didn't get to test your skulls with an actual pro. Maybe i should give you a cookie to shove down your big ass mouth, you bastard! I swear, some people just want to start problems...
  5. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I win. I found you. :D

    I got to play against Offbeat Ninja. He was a good opponent. I almost beat him twice, using two of my custom characters against his Siegfried. Every time I thought I would win, he would somehow come up with a way to low kick me for the win. Mark my words Offbeat Ninja, when we meet again, you won't beat me! LOL I enjoyed tonight's Play the Pros. My heart never raced like that playing SoulCalibur. I guess it was the fact that I was going up against pros.
    Shihuru (Brooklyn, NY)

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