very nice looks like that could be a interesting concept giving it a ancient type vibe, It seems the back of the 1x2 block would be used commonly to give it that old temple type vibe, with columns used as bridge struts, maybe a little design on each side of the bridge in the middle as the concept suggests, with routes going up the sides of the mountain overlooking the courtyards and also built around the large structure hovering over the lower area, could use teleporter reciever nodes similiar to guardian to give it a very forerunner yet also skyrim vibe in a neat way, if you need help forging this dont hesistate to ask for the help would love to help you with such a interesting concept, great sketch up on this idea
Those are truly awesome, great work! Especially the last one is beautiful, I might even steal the rock idea
Alright, so as with the other maps, I have taken a few creative liberties. I forgot to place a sniper tower, but I think the high ground of the circular middle, combined with the medium-length hallways leading to it will give a skilled sniper some heads to shoot. I kind of envisioned this as a somewhat larger Warlock. There are no teleporters, but there are 8 lifts (all on the bottom floor). Four of them take you to neutral ground, and 4 take you into mini-bases for a surprise attack. You can jump up on the rocks for yet another alternative for reaching the top, as there are no ramps that will take you up once you have fallen down. I had multi-team functionality in mind when designing it. Hope you like it sir.
Thanks, Lynx! Tbh im surprised you picked mine out of the others, im honored. Ill be sure to keep you informed as to how the map is coming once im back from Florida vacation.
Awesome work so far! I would like you to draw concept for an invasion map called "Escaping Reach". In the 1st phase the Spartans drop from a Falcon and have to help another group of Spartans that are holding out in a military bunker under seige. After that they must transport the core from one side of the bunker to the control room to open the Hanger doors. Once they do that they must fly to the other side of Forge World while avoiding Covenant Banshee's and anti-air. There they must board some type of space worthy vehicle capable of holding multiple Spartans, winning the game.
Ive been thinking of a symmetrical designed map with hints of zealot and desolation using the natural geography of forge world I want the middle of the map to be seperated by a creek, with the map itself using a forerunner design and feel to it Id like for the map to have a round shape to it with one damaged crumbled wall on the left side, with a raised surface around the whole area in front of the bases showing the center as the lowest area of the map the slanted surface would also let you enter a tunnel system under the second level with several ramps up and perhaps a gravity lift under each base, The second level would have many pillars surrounding it in a Roman colliseum look with a bridge structure connecting each base in a desolation or midship look, Id like struts surrounding the area as well just the top of each giving it a unique alien feel, I feel this is a simple design that you can go crazy with in a sketch up and id love for you to your very good at making a simple idea turn into a beautiful work of art and very helpful for those who need the idea, you can sketch it up when you have any free time I am in no rush for this design since im currently working on another map to release this week, Id appreciate it lynx as im having a few issues sketching it out myself and id like to see what you do with the design,
Silentraine...I cannot read -scratch that- will not read your wall of text that has not a single period in it. For the love of god, grammar please!
Sorry, this just had to be said. Lol. That is all. Also, I have an idea for a map, but Im still fiddling around with it at the moment. If I get into trouble I will be posting in here asking for ideas ; ). Love your work so far, keep it up.
There you go Raptor, a translation for post 1. Post 2 soon. [br][/br]Edited by merge: symmetrical hints of Zealot and Desolation using the natural geography of forge world middle of the map to be seperated by a creek the map itself using a forerunner design and feel map to have a round shape one damaged crumbled wall on the left side, a raised surface around the whole area in front of the bases the center as the lowest area of the map. slanted surface would also let you enter a tunnel system under the second level several ramps up and perhaps a gravity lift under each base second level would have many pillars-- Roman colliseum look a bridge structure connecting each base in a desolation or midship look Id like struts surrounding the area no rush Translation 2, Raptor.
Thanks for the translation , Its my fault for simply writing as I normally would online between friends. And yes just a simple Desolation and Midship merging using the creek area of the Island. Id like it in a forerunner style to give it more of a ancient appearance similiar to the roman colliseum with only two levels, for easy navigation. The pillars, struts mentioned would be to enhance the arena appearance and give it its own unique qualitys. My apologies for not considering beforehand the whole grammar issue ive been around these games to long .
Im just so spoiled, I want another one! A map with a boat, or water theme. Suggestions would be either a large boat that is the map, A water base with multiple levels, or a dock connected to land with boats 'tied' on. Thanks in advance! /bump
I haven't posted in a few days, but I do plan on keeping this thread alive. Just wanted you guys to know I'm here. I ought to post a new concept later tonight.
I got a little backstory to this request, I don't have an Xbox. I haven't for a while because the disk drive went and I had no money to get a new one, now i am getting a new one and I would like for you to conceptualize the first map I can forge in a long time. So I was looking at Ladnil's new map Awesometown and how it was one of the simple standoff map's that I love, akin to The Pit. I want to make a map with this in mind, back to the basics so to speak also, I would like it to be designed with MLG gameplay involved. Closed in so no natural features, Symmetrical and with a kind of urban feel. I hope you can help me but no hurries i still got two paychecks to go for my new Xbox haha.
I've just had my map Precipice placed in Matchmaking! However, I am unable to get a proper overhead view so players can get a feel for the layout. I would love if you could draw up an overhead sketch of the map, as it would be greatly beneficial to those playing on it. The map can be located here for reference. If you are able to, I would greatly appreciate your time and effort! Feel free to PM me if you need any other information!
I think you have the wrong idea. this thread is for people to find inspiration from pics Lynx makes from basic ideas others propose.
A covenant map. Assembly inspired, but only in an aesthetic sense. There are three bridges, all parallel with decent amounts of space between them, but not too much. The center bridge is much lower than the others, and instead of being composed of purple, covenant metal, it is much like the bottom-mid bridge on narrows. It sits right above a pool of yellowish acid, like the outside scenery on Assembly. The entire map is like a covenant dangerous waste treatment facility, with massive rotators that sit inside of this expanse, at each end of the bridge. I'll see what you do with that.
a large symmetrical and linear map with a mound type structure in the middle leading up to lifts. on each side there is a two-story base and an anti-gravity banshee turret (a banshee held in one position by 2 man cannons above it and 2 man cannons below it). the bridge that the grav lift on the mound leads up to has another bridge to each base. between the mound and the bases there are "hang em' high" type blocks.
Sorry this one is kinda meh...I didn't quite capture the idea I had in my head, but I hope it helps anyways. I kind of imagined it as some government facility with high walls surrounding it and only one main entrance. Maybe one of the side entrances you mentioned could be a collapsed wall that was destroyed by a previous assault or even by a previous phase in which a bomb is detonated. Up to you.
I'm remaking Bloodgulch using terraforming, making the actual hills and valleys and cliffs using scenery pieces. If you could draw up some shots of Blood gulch that would be great, I'm fine without it though so only do them if you want/ haven't got anything else to do.
This thread is for giving Lynx basic themes for maps, he then makes a whole map out of it, or at least concepts. This is not for decorative pictures for a map.