Image: Here Text: In the middle but on the bottom Can i get I Wambulance I Colors: Suprise me 500x100 size Font: An Epic Font would be nice
Theres a lot of empty space. Crop it. And play with the text so it blends in a little better. You have the text on blank space so it's just natural it will look good now. Anyway, isn't yellow and green a color clash?nvm. The pen tooling distracts the render. And green and red are color clashing. Crop it as well, and work on the text.
The text is still kind of off a little bit. Crop it maybe a couple more pixels as well. Just keep playing with the text, and eventually you'll come to something that you know fits. btw: Lower the render a little bit, he's getting cut off at the top when theres a lot of space below him.
Okay so I took Vinny's advice and I put a green color layer on top of the background and I changed the text so it was more readable. Edit: Forgot the pic!
Crop it a little more Lord, theres still a lot of empty space on the right and left. And possibly lower the Inner/Outer glow a bit. Feather the render so it blends in better. I'll give you a tutorial later on brushing so you don't have to keep using filters. I'm +reppin' you kids for taking my advice.
I'm glad you like them. Since I didn't meet you size request here is a cropped version. Okay Vinny I tried to feather and I set it to 10 pixels but it doesn't look any different. Could you maybe give more specific instructions. And on the inner/ outer glow are you talking about the text or the pen?
Feathering soft edges, vignettes in Photoshop That's just to start you off. As you learn to feather more an more, you'll be less dependent on feathering and more dependent on brushing and stock duplicates along with other techniques. Theres a lot of ways to do text, so i'll just link you to a couple. Make sure that the text effect follows the theme of the overall sig. Photoshop Tutorials / Good-Tutorials Much better. <3
Okay this is a bit off topic but what does it mean when a gray bar appears in your added rep area in the User CP? Edit: Also kudos on the sig you made Haseo it turned out really good once you cropped it.
That means your reputation did not increase. This happens for a number of reasons. I know mine most likely did not, but i'm not the person to tell you why.
Yours did but like two the people that I've made sigs for have tried to rep me but it didn't count. Also I repped you for your help.