Yes, yes i know bungie said there will be no new armors. as much as i want new armors there wont be any. i know so dont go "OH MAN BUNGIE WONT MAKE NEW ARMORS TO BAD FOR U AESTHETIC UR STOOPID" cuz i know they arent gonna make new armors anyway. but wouldnt it be nice to have a full set for mark V and when halo wars comes out bungie could release Mark IV cuz thats wat the spartans are in halo wars. also halowars cover art was released recently and here it is
The Spartan IV armor is huge! I'm liking the cover art. I really like the helmet though, probably the coolest looking helmet out there actually. I'd wear it. The chest looks a bit bulky though, but I think this was prior to the shield bulkier was probably necessary. We'd all love new armor, unfortunately it seems impossible. However, Bungie will take this into consideration for their next game.
It would be nice to have new armor, but we all know it won't happen. The cover art looks great! And I think I found something cool about it. The front spartan has an emblem of the spartan emblem. So maybe all spartans do?
that mark IV armor looks so sick. i love the helmet and chest. i wish they would add that to halo 3. and i cant wait for that game.
new armor would be awsome, shame theres not going to be none. i remember ages ago that bungie said they may release there special armor that the game programmers only got, like the flaming hayabusa for example, to the public, i dont know what ever happened to that idea. cover art looks cool btw
That cover art is great. However, NEW armor will never be put into the game. Ever. They may allow more people to have recon and flaming head, but unless Mark IV is already programmed in (which I doubt) it won't happen.
yeah i love the cover art, its too bad you wont be able to see the detail on the spartans in game cuz your a ship commanding ur guys on the ground from the air. but yeah, it would be cool if like you could get mark IV armor by buying and putting halowars on ur xbox. like you get halowars and it comes with the mark IV armor for halo 3. u kno wat i mean?
You should be able to zoom in very close, as most RTS games allow you to do that nowadays. That cover art does look pretty cool, btw.
I think it looks way more awesome then the MARK IV we know... It's more detailed armor makes it really cool and gives it a great finishing touch.
am i the only one who sees master chief armor slightly ridiculous looking? It's futuristic armor with a motocross helmet... Their heads look a little awkward compared to their bodies, but the chest/shoulder area looks cool[er than what it is now].
lol ya these are the spartan mark IV (4) and they were 20 years before master chief. im pretty sure they didnt have energy shielding at the time so i think thats why they are more bulky, but i still would wanna have that armor in H3 lol. i like how ensemble studios made them look like they have a bigger torso making the spartans look more grown up manish, or kind of superman like. you can tell its a supersoldier and not a marine in a funny suit. in halo CE masterchief looked like a funny looking marine to me.
The cover looks awesome. The helmets are like a mix of Mark V and Mark VI. Totally badass. And the armor is also huge. Too bad Bungie made Halo 3 in a way where they literally can't add new armors. That's why there are still armor glitches that are hard for them to fix. Like, a lot of people have every acheivement but haven't received Security shoulders. I, unfortunately, can't get every acheivement cause my Headshot Hancho is glicthed so I can never get it. Bungie was no help. They said "contact Xbox LIVE" and Xbox Live said "contact Bungie, the makers of the game." -_-