i teach people how to make sweet screenshots for one months or crappy accounts you dont use either is fine look at my screenshots screenshots pictures by Ceja_oo4i - Photobucket
Bungie.net : Halo 3 Screenshots there you go Pictures by Ceja_oo4i - Photobucket thats good 2 did u look at em
screenshots :: ceja-1.jpg picture by Ceja_oo4i - Photobucket i think thats what u want but im not sure thats do you like my screenshots?
on your main page Pictures by Ceja_oo4i - Photobucket hover your mouse over the picture you want then copy the last code (it says IMG) then paste it into your first post example:
there not all that and no-one will pay one months or acc for lessons when they could search around a bit and find them easily
as so? screenshots :: ceja-1.jpg picture by Ceja_oo4i - Photobucket your probably right but im trying haha i also need a swat and team slayer team around the skill of 40
did i do it right? that time thnkx for helping i just made this account which of your screenshots is your favorite lol i think i no now
Definitely agreeable statement right there, nobody on this site will pay you to learn how to do screenshots period, there are many members on this site who are willing to demonstrate how to do different screenshots for free, along with the fact there are many tutorials on here and on the internet. This is Halo Screenshots, if you want to find a couple teammates you should look into the Halo Discussion board. But don't make three threads like you just did, infractions could follow if it's done again.