Hello everybody!!!!! I have survived Ike and lost power for a long time. I have it back now and I am freaking happy. Sadly a tree fell on the house I was staying in (my mom's). I had to use a chainsaw and cut it. That kept me busy for a while. After a while I made a buissness and cleaned people's yards for $100 a pop. I think I made around 1,000. I just thought that you wanted to know. Can someone tell me what happened here at forgehub while I was gone? Thanks guys.
Yey, you lived. But can I haz money? lol jk. But I saw the news and saw the yards, you prablably had a good time cleaning.
Wow economizing off the hurricane. You truly are an inspiration Killnon lol. Are you gonna save the money or get something nice for yourself? HINT: Save up for a Mac lol.
wow you survived that now thats impressive. You should write a book called "i survived ike" and i would defiantly read it.
Wow, a thousand dollars for picking up crap from peoples yards, nice. Nothing really has happened, we are in round three of the 2v2 tournament.
Oh, it took you until now to get your power back? That must've sucked. We got ours back on Monday at about a quarter to noon. So, you're making that much off of clearing lawns? Around here, you'd make more fixing fences, since most lawns were fine, but fences were decimated. And you haven't seen Galveston on the news yet? It's underwater, dude. Kemah is totally missing, too.
I live all the way north in Cincy and battled the power outages (and no forge hub) until tuesday, when I got mah powa back. 1 tree fell over my driveway, another on my neighbor's. Didn't make a profit from it though :[