Me Blue. Team doubles on countdown; Teammate is having a retard-attack in some distant corner of the map; so no help. Having just obliterated one red guy I am out of ammo, and his buddy comes around the corner to engage me. I have full health and sprint, his buddy has full health and a jetpack. I punch buddy in the face, then back away so he can't return the favor, so he has to shot at me to survive. Again i am out of ammo/need to reload, but don't have time to so, what do i do? Well with a full sprint-juice-ometer and a beat down away from winning the little encounter I sprint at him. This is me: *I press LB* guy does not sprint *presses LB again* Guy sprints for about 3 planck seconds then stops *Headbutts the **** out of LB button* Guy sprints 2 feet then starts walking. DEAD-HEADSHOT-"LOST THE LEAD" Its not mai controller, or my xbox, I have been having this same problem with multiple controllers on multiple xboxes. Am I the only one who experiences this? Is it just me who is cursed with the "non-response" blight. PS: Never have I played a game so frustrating in my life then Halo reach. WAW on veteran was close, A particular part on sudeki comes near as well, but Reach MP takes the cake when it comes to having annoying bullshit happen.
Never had it once. Only thing that annoys me is i can't look at the scoreboard and sprint at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!! thats when i look at the scoreboard D: I sprint when no one is around, but i look at the scoreboard when no one is around >.>
Is there a chance you weren't already walking when you hit LB? If you aren't already moving, pressing sprint will do nothing. It's a possibility... maybe you forgot to get a walking start and this happened... Idk what it could be otherwise, I've never experienced that.
solution: walk while walking. press sprint once you will now sprint. also: sprint has a bug that even though your walking with the scoreboard up the sprint AA still drains
It's a new game that still has some bumps to smooth out. You'll get used to it. Gotta say that MW2 wins the title for the most frustrating MP.
Your post made me think of three things: 1) Oh no. Have we got to the point where people believe lolcats are grammatically correct all the time? 2) Learn to play. Its not the game's fault that you suck. 3) Nobody cares.
1) If you talking about the word "mai" that I used; I used it once. Immediately after which I spelled "my" correctly - within the same sentence I-might-add. So the fact that you and that other guy jumped on that one word; that one very purposely misspelled word, instantly makes you a member of the Grammar **** Regime. And ALL members of Grammar **** Regime are hypocritical D-Bags. 2) I know how to play Halo reach. In fact I have reason to believe I am very average Halo Reach player (based on my stats on The fact that you "thought" that I didn't know how to play (indicated by your suggestion "Learn to play"), and you further deducing that I was on the lower end of the skill distribution, is evidence that your ability to logically conclude objective information is sub-par for a human being. 3) I believe that I made the thread, which is one person who cares, thus your argument "Nobody cares" is invalid. If you were to maintain that "I am a "nobody" thus "nobody" does in fact care", you would would be able to sustain the position that "nobody cares". Though I would then have to point out that you are the 8th post, so while "nobody" cares, a considerable amount of "somebodies" care as well. Furthmore I would have to point out that you responded, so the "nobody cares' was a really strange thought to have manifested in the first place.
*face palm* The very fact that you chose to argue against my points proves my third point. Rather than continue the discussion you started in the original post, you chose to discuss the discussion. See how quickly we all got totally off topic? Not even 1 page and we're already on to defining Grammar Nazis, even you. QED; nobody cares.
Well "nobody cares" as pertaining to the original topic idea would indeed apply right now as we are on a completely different topic now. At the time (when you first posted "no body cares"), your comment was referring to the present, and in this present, exactly one person cared; You. You cared enough to say that nobody cares. You took into account at least a little of what I said and responded. So you being wrong still stands... Which is all that matters : ) I wasn't referring to the actual comment anyone made but rather the idea of a grammar ****. Everyone makes mistakes when typing - not all the time, but everyone does it. When a person make a spelling error like "mai", especially when its on purpose, it is redundant to correct it as your not helping anyone. Is it possible to close this thread?
Actually, I'm very anal about myself spelling correctly. I don't give into the whole 1337 or text speak craze that is prevalent in today's lazy youth. Bad habits like that can only hurt when your spelling can make a difference, like on resumes and applications.
This only happens to me when everyone has a **** connection to the host, All of the armor abilities mess up.
Trolls trollin' trolls? But fo' sho', Reach has a lot of bugs. Maybe just a little longer and Bungie will smooth out the glitches. And yeah, uMadern Whorefare 2 is the $1,000 Grand Prize winner for most annoying Multiplayer.