It was freakin' crazy! Pictures: (they pretty much explain themselves... so no captions) As you can see, I couldn't get an amazing picture cuz it was all taken on an iphone.. But the iphone was better to use than my mom's $200 camera.. cuz it didn't even show up on hers... but idk.. it was sweet.
Cool, I've seen a lunar eclipse before! Not really the same, but w/e. Now I'll be humming Pink Floyd songs in my head all day though... YouTube - Pink Floyd - Eclipse
Yeah, it got a bit boring after a while. Too many mosquitos, and the whole eclipse took about an hour.. And it was at like 8:30 in the morning... But still, it was neat.
Did it get totally eclipsed or did the planet/moon just drift across the side? And, Pink Floyd. **** yeah.
Not so much. My phone couldn't capture it.. but it got to the point where it was just like a crescent moon. I saw it at 9:20 AM. And yes, it was cloudy here too.
))))))))))))))))))))) I'm happy I saw that. lol. I didn't eve know it was going to happen 'till about 3 minutes before it. lol