I know im being annoying but ive been asking about 3 shops and put it on the official request thread. So im putting up a thread that says what I want and anyone who wants to take it on go ahead. Hi, this past Sunday (March 16) My xbox got its first red rings. I have the 2nd generation xbox so I was entirley unprepared for it. I am now bored and is looking for someone to make me a sig. What I need is shown below. Render: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_btADDm9rX64/RxgTMTsl0sI/AAAAAAAAAO4/9xt5zOvnmG4/s800/Flaming%2BRecon.jpg With this I need it to a signature size and my name (xpwn3r kidx tat) Text/Font: For the text i want my name (xpwn3r kidx tat) as I said replacing the current text. The font and color doesnt really matter but i like digital or blood font. It is not a nessesity. Whatever you think is nice. Well thats about it. If anyone wants to take this task on put a post below and Thanks!
Impossible request is impossibleish. Taking out the text would be grueling work. You should just provide us a picture of flaming recon and then we can add your name to it. Also, choice of font type is bad. Most bloody and digital fonts suck. So, as said, provide a better image (one without text) and someone might take you up on the request. Also the image being high-res would be nice too (high-res meaning a giant image).
Bored? download gimp and give it a try yourself. Have trouble? ask for help, or go the Frag's school.
Man yea that would be hard work taking it out and stuff but the best 3 people I know tat might do it is Hari,Jellah,and huntar
i really don't like this... didn't know what to do with it. Someone can finish it for me if they want =.=
right click the image and copy the URL.. If your in Chrome you can just click copy image URL If your in Internet Explorer or FireFox you may have to click properties to copy the URL. then just paste the URL in between IMG tags.