See those blood splatters? Its from when I ripped my heart out of my chest and stuffed it into this signature, I hope you guys like it, (yeah I was joking about blood splatters). V1 V2 V3 I love this render so much I DLed it when I was chatting with .Core about what render to use for a battle. CnC Please. Hope y'all likey. *EDIT* Say if I opened a Sig Shop would you peeps request? If I get enough yes' I will make one soon.
I love it!!!!! It reminds me a lot of your second L one. You seem to frame ur render a lot. Also could you make a tut on like this or one of ur L ones. I've been experimenting but can't quite get the same effect.
This looks great I like the lighting effects... anyway this really looks alot like your deathnote ones... I like it and yes it is so win...
Thank you Icecikle!!! I like having things "so win". I have been told by fellow designers making a tutorial for a signature is like giving that style up, I am not ready to do that, I am in love with this style so, no tutorial sorry Terrax.
Hahahaha you know I quoted the tag right... well anyway I just really looked at the lighting I knew I like it but know its like a whole new level of understanding the lighting. I really like the light beamish things next to the render... Oh and I am really bored waiting on some feedback in .cores crique if you can't tell... I repeat this sig is sooo win!
Thank you <3 lol. I would current it if I could but the thing is... "WARNED" *cough* lol. Is there anything I can fix? Or do I have to make my signatures with something screwed up purposely to make a V2 for fun? Please, anything I can improve on? Please?!
well there is one tiny little thing about it I don't like about it... theres some kinda wierd little shiny black object on the left side as far as I can tell its just holding space anyway I don't like that but I don't know how you would go about fixing it... and yes I would request something in your sig shop...
Alright V2 coming right up, I will edit it out and make it look as good as I can, if anything more is not appealing let me know V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 etc are still waiting... *EDIT* V2 is up please check it out.
I just noticed one light rayie thingy thats going the wrong way also on the left side.(gasp) but thats optional...
Sweet V3 coming up, damn I love Photoshop. I can keep the ray of light there but I will change where it goes... You shall see, now V3 is coming... *EDIT* V3 is up, check first page.
Thanks Ice, great to know people like my work ^_^, you get +hug lol, but I am warned so I can't give you any ... yet. Anymore adjustments that need to be made let me know!
anymore see well I don't know its just so uncomprehendably awesome...and stuff.Well were your name runs into what I think is a sword it gets a little hard to read once again optional... anyway that was really just a cover up for some offtopic stuff. when does your warning run out...
Week , so you can see my hawt signature soon . We can PM each other for a bit if you want instead of offtopicing so I don't get banned. Alright so anyone else who sees some little mistakes please let me know I want to make V4 but not just like a cheesy B&W version of it.
I was so hyped when Zerosun posted then I realized he liked it the way it is, I might screw it up to make a V4 lol. Also thank you Zero.
score one for my suggested improvements yay me anyway I just saw your last L one and its almost identical to this one in color and effects...idk why thats important but...
Its my style I love to use, just the previous L one had more contrast and slightly different shades of orange plus it had blueish colours.