Thanks Everyone! I have to say Forgehub is one of the better forums I've belonged too. I won't be going anywhere soon, because of this. Plus, I still have to release my competitive map and my competitive/MLG guide for making competitive/MLG maps. Again, Thank you everyone, .
Grats bro! I got engaged on labor day weekend last year (one year ago this weekend) and I just got married in july of 2008. I finally got used to calling her my fiancee and now I have to get used to calling her my wife. I was more nervious asking her to marry me than i was actually getting married. I dont know why though, we've been together for 10 years. Have a great life together and update us when you have a date.
Congrats man gl and don't spend too much on Halo of cod arguing is a GOOD thing it helps u get past ur troubles if she cheats let it go once then divorce her if she does it again
Did you tell her Insane approves yet? Did you? DID YOU?! mg: LOLOLOL WHY SO CEREAL :joker: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL er... o/ hi five again?
It's not going to be nice if you question. Because the truth is, he's calling you a virgin. Which is true.
Wait... people on Forgehub have girlfriends? Just kidding. Seriously, that's great news. I wish you a lot of good luck and hope that you have a happy future together!
No! No! NO! Objection. Objection! OBJECTION!
Yes, I told her Insane approves. She responded by saying "who's insane?". I told her Insane is your name. She responded with a giggle then said "ok". High fiiiive.
You sir, have been playing way to much ACE attorney! Who knows maybe a select few forgehubers will be invited!
I WONT LET YOU DO THIS. YOU LOSE TOO MUCH. D: Stop criticizing because I care for your well being. Think about it. No more grazing rights, no strip clubs, etc. etc. THINK ABOUT ALL YOU'RE GIVING UP.
aww i has a tear :'] i hope edgar does something like that for me....soon....ugh. when the **** are WE gunna get married huh babe?!?? :[ i love you <3 all the best man